I’m shocked that I haven’t seen one protest yet. Is the media suppressing them? If there aren’t any, why?
Because protests don’t do shit. There were mass protests over police brutality in 2020. Didn’t do shit.
Quite simply, most americans aren’t that mad at Trump. He’s poking at foreign nations, while the foreign media gets more n more shrill and hysterical. You’re in Canada, dude, he’s trying to piss you off right now.
We had an election and Trump won fair and square. All you can do is regroup and get prepared for the next election.
There are. I’ve been to a few. They don’t get covered by the media.
Low density and car based infrastructure neuters protests. I usually work from home but I had jury duty a few weeks ago in the courthouse in my downtown area. There were several protests daily the entire time I was there.
Half of the Americans are in favor of this clown, and the other half either are too drained from the whole thing, can’t afford to miss work, or just don’t know how to protest.
Estimates show 65-75% of households live paycheck to paycheck. We financially can’t miss a day of work, let alone long stretches. Or we are allowed so little time off that it has to be saved for sick/emergency days (if you get any at all!).
That’s setting aside things like long hours, multiple jobs, unaffordable daycare, lack of medical care on top of hard hitting inflation without any wage changes.
It’s by design. It’s like intentionally under feeding slaves so they don’t have the energy to run away.
Hang on, that doesn’t sound like the American dream I’ve been told about !
My wife and I got babysitters went to the science protests. There’s often protestors waiving Palestinian flag downtown during the week - small but consistent group near city hall. I don’t hear any reporting either but I see them.
Because over half the people voted for him and are convinced of everything he says and does. My f’ing BIL thinks Trump can’t do anything wrong. Just go question him on other social media, especially a state subreddit, and people will say things like “so you are in favor or waste and fraud!?” like it is case closed.
Queue the Democrats that have done the same thing for their own party members.
Because over half the people voted for him
No they didn’t. Only like 60% of eligible voters actually voted in this past election. Which means only about 30% of eligible voters voted for Trump. About 80% of the country’s population are eligible voters, and since only 30% voted for Trump, 80% x 30% = 24% of the population voted for him. Roughly a quarter of people voted for him, not half.
And for anyone who’s wondering, “why did only 60% of eligible voters vote?” The answer is mostly voter suppression in various forms.
Throw around all the numbers you want. The fact remains: the majority of voters voted for trump. I don’t like it either, but this is what America is.
The numbers I’m “throwing around” say that you’re literally and objectively wrong
majority of voters voted for trump
no, they didn’t. https://www.fec.gov/resources/cms-content/documents/2024presgeresults.pdf
There are.
Trump isn’t threatening to charge people with domestic terrorism for leaving Tesla dealerships alone, is he?
Yes. The media is suppressing them. See c/50501
Explain this?
50501 refers to “Fifty States, Fifty Protests, One Movement” (originally “One Day”). While some states have more presence than others, it has 50 chapters for the 50 states.
I don’t think there’s as much presence on Lemmy, but lots of media gets posted to Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/50501/.
Their website also links to social media accounts covering more of it: https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
I’m pretty shocked by this as well.
I always thought that America was on the ready to stand up against fascism and tyranny.
I guess they aren’t.
The people who were super vocal about stockpiling guns to “stand up to tyranny” dont think this is tyranny. They are actively cheering for it.
They think tyranny is the government passing laws that amount to “don’t be a dick”. They hate that. To them “freedom” means being selfish, obnoxious, and racist to their hearts content, and Trump has finally given them permission to do so. That’s why they cheer him.
Remember, these are just simple people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know, morons.
Because a lot of Americans think he is the warrior fighting the evil gub’ment
I live in the SF Bay Area. There’s a website that was set up to track protests (https://www.actiontogetherbayarea.org/calendar). There are more than a dozen today and more than two dozen tomorrow. I think generally the larger protests are at state capitols and Washington DC, which are simply too far for many people to go to. Sacramento is our state capitol and that’s about a 1.5 hour drive from here. CA is a big state, Sacramento would probably be an 8-hour drive from Los Angeles.
Also, as others have mentioned, the protests don’t get a lot of media coverage.
Tens of millions of Americans can’t afford a sudden $400.00 expense without going further into debt.
That means they can’t afford to miss a day of work.
And that’s by design.
Which just means mass protests aren’t big enough. It’ll take a while, but eventually they’ll realize that with enough mass mobilization missing work and going into debt become irrelevant.
There are but its a big country. Not everyone can walk on DC.
It’d take me over a month to reach DC if I walked there.