City subreddit, Western country: ‘look at this cool park, public transport, building, cute cafe’
Don’t know if it’s different in western Europe or something, but here in Canada it’s “IMMIGRANTS BAD CYCLISTS BAD NATIONALISM GOOD SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND COPS AND CONSERVATIVE LEADERS”
And also just finding out that apparently people in my city’s subreddit are defending the idea of unbanning fracking and uranium mining in our small densely-populated province?? Depressing shit man
Tbh it’s really funny how strongly people like this have been hating Trump for being American when these same people would be all over him if he was Canadian, their ideology is identical
City council just voted to buy the police an APC (that they don’t have a use for, and if they did it probably wouldn’t be good) while at the same time raiding the library reserve funds to keep taxes low
So much frustrating stuff like that going on here lately, and the city subreddit is absolutely unbearable about all of it