
Improving one day that a time

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2024


  • “Why did you graduate so late?”

    I had to repeat the 7th and 9th grade.

    “How did your friends and family react?”

    My mom and dad were very disappointed and siblings and friends just thought it was funny.

    “What are your plans going forward?”

    When I graduated I had no plans/opportunities for the future and spent the next three years as a NEET but recently I’ve been working on getting a boyfriend and making enough money to see a therapist.

    “Would you do anything differently in hindsight?”

    I would have been more open about my special needs and I wouldn’t have tried all those drugs. I should have put more time into convincing the teacher to let me use my phone during English class for spellings. That could have been amazing for my grades.

  • The term ‘NEET’ was created by the British government surprisingly enough and was later adopted by 4Chan. As I said in the post NEET stands for “Not (in) Employment, Education or Training”. NEET to me was a subculture and a lifestyle. I don’t have anything else going for me and there wasn’t any opportunities anyway so it just made sense to become a NEET. I didn’t have any motivation for a long time but recently I have given all of my attention to this guy I’m in love with so I can be a better partner. I got a job to make some money and I’m going to the gym to make myself look sexier for him. A big part of motivation is having someone to work for and until him I didn’t have that. He’s the only thing in my worth working for.

  • “Oof… This is a tough one. First, I’ll point out that this post is EXACTLY what I’d expect from a narcissist. Woe is me, zero accountability.”

    accountability for what? Being born? Should I have known as a fetus that I would have a personality disorder one day? What did you expect me to do? Refuse to be born.

    “Assuming you’ve actually been diagnosed by a psychiatric Dr, they didn’t diagnosed you with NPD on a whim. You were diagnosed with NPD after you did something, or more likely after a lot of times doing harmful things, and finally taking some initiative to figure out what’s wrong with you.”

    How do you know? You think your some expert because you watch some psych2Go and pop psychology slop? I know how I treat people and I have never received any complaints from anyone I know about how I treat them and no one else convinced me to seek therapy.

    “NPD is a very tragic illness. One of the worst parts imo is that, almost always, one of the symptoms is the person not being able to truly recognize their own disorder. This can be dangerous, and also infuriating. A person’s entire life can fall apart around them, and they are incapable of doing the self reflection necessary to understand why, let alone do the work to fix the problem.”

    While I agree with most of what you said I do disagree with the “not being able to truly recognize their own disorder.” part. For me it’s not that I can’t recognize theres something wrong with me it’s that it hurts to think there’s something wrong with me. Maybe it’s true for most other narcissist but not for me. A another big problem is that personality disorders are not like diseases. They can’t be cured and you live with them for the rest of your life. I really wish I could get rib of my NPD and be like everyone else but I’m suck with this burden.

    “People will spend years trying to “save” a loved one, to get that person to recognize that it’s THEM who is the problem and needs to do the work, just to get to the exact same spot a decade later because that person CAN NOT recognize it.”

    Again, how do you know? There are plenty of people who live normal lives with NPD. Believe it or not the real world isn’t some Amazon bookstore romance novel where the big bad narc will kill and eat you. NPD is a disorder like any other so it may put you in a disadvantage but it doesn’t define you. I understand there’s something fundamentally wrong with me and I need help. My narcissism is a awful thing I live with but I won’t let it define me.

    “However, unlike the paraplegic person, a person with NPD causes harm to everyone around them, and the only thing a healthy person can do is cut toxic people from their lives. It’s not the person with NPDs fault (one of the other great tragedies is that it is almost always a result of shit parents) that they are toxic, but they are toxic none the less, and unable to stop it. I’m sorry you ended up this way, I truly hope you can let yourself be treated.”

    For someone who’s accusing me of being manipulative you sure are doing a lot of gaslighting. You’re probably never read a psychology book in your life and the only experience you have is pop psychology videos on YouTube and horror movies but I suppose it’s not the choice of a stupid person. They just can’t help themselves but however a stupid person is a stupid person and all you can do is disregard everything they say. I truly hope you can let yourself be treated.