I love the thought of people thinking of me obsessively and wanting to be just like me.
I remember your handle - IIRC you posted before about having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Wanting people to be jealous of you seems apropos.
God no. I wouldn’t want to be jealous of me
No, quite honestly I do want to live an enviable life AND would be so happy if everyone else did too. I do not want other people to literally want my life, no. I want them to be too happy with their own lives to care about mine.
No, to be honest I’d prefer not being perceived at all
Only people I really dislike. For everyone else, no, I don’t need or want their jealousy.
Nah I’d rather they leave me the fuck alone and focus on their own shit. But I have nothing for anyone to be jealous of I don’t think.
I’m jealous of how remarkably average you are.
But I have nothing for anyone to be jealous of I don’t think.
The thing about jealousy isn’t it ain’t about the object, it is all about “muhh feels”
And you would surprised how deranged people can get lol
No, i wouldn’t like to be a center of attention.
Not really. I find when people are jealous they either try to cut you down in subtle ways, or they self deprecate and guilt trip just because you happen to have something going right for you.
I’d like to be admirable, I think. I’d prefer to rub off on people in a positive way than a negative one.
The older you get, the less you care.
After 30, it is very hard to give a fuck about anything beyond having a fat bank account to care of your dependants.
Idk man, I’m past 30 and I care less that I have money and more that everyone I love has what they need.
I’m over 30 and see true wealth as a measure of the love I give and receive. You can’t buy that.
Yes exactly!
You’re thinking of envy, not jealousy so much: Envy is when you want something someone else has, jealousy is when you don’t want others to have what you have.
I wouldn’t want people to be jealous of me, people act very poorly when they are jealous.
Nah. I’d rather go unnoticed by everyone outside those I love.
Emphatically no. I cut people concerned with jealousy out of my life. That shit’s toxic.
nope nope nope. I want to be incredibly anonymous.
Not at all
Here’s the thing tho. Nobody thinks about you even 1% of what you think they do. It seems like youre saying, “I need validation and want to be a part of the bigger world outside my own” which is totally fair. It’s even healthy, especially when compared to escapism and isolation. If your actions and behavior cause people to have a negative reaction, i.e. jealousy, obsessions, I encourage you to reevaluate what’s within yourself that desires that negative attention. People will think of you far far more if your behavior and actions gives those around you positive reactions. Trade the desire to make them jealous for inspiring them by being a healthy, upstanding rolemodel. Trade “I” statements for “you” questions. People crave and are drawn to those who show an interest in them, just as you admit to in this post. Make the world a better place, not a more anxious place and you’ll find all that attention you desire becomes a far more reasonably attainable goal.