Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
You should see it from south road, looks like a fuckin’ massive approaching storm front
It’s comfortably far enough away. I am concerned for costco for wogs though.
Apologies in advance for source: https://www.3aw.com.au/massive-factory-fire-breaks-out-in-melbournes-south-east/
Edit: haaa. lions. Fuckin 'ell
Massive factory fire up near keys road. 22 vehicles and counting
Yaaay my street is on fiiiire
Hot cross bun, slathered in butter and microwave warmed
Well, tell us who the retailer is so we can avoid them too
I adore that sundial
Businesses must not tell consumers to take the problem to the manufacturer or importer.
Someone tell scorptech
You know how the republicans tried to use the batshit right and ended up just getting digested?
Techbros time to learn the leason
His ‘threats’ are mostly shooting himself and the US in the face, i say bring it
Time to take it to a civil court
I’ve been watching the capex boys react to DeepSeek and laughing hysterically tbh
If they keep picking White Men, how are minorities supposed to feel like a part of the country?
That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
I read “ABC understands” in the same one as “CBS cares” and it makes the headline, honestly
Legendary response too. Avoided the bait and spun it around to "yeah we don’t sexually assault people "
With our thoughts, we make the world
Don’t bend over until forced.
It’s not about what’s best, it’s about owning the lefties
this shit needs to be protected federally, same with abortion. Seriously. Imagine a state being able to say “yeah we’re not gonna provide medically proven life saving treatment” fuck off you backwards shitbirds