Sometimes the Fr*nch sont bien.
Sometimes the Fr*nch sont bien.
But this one’s also backwards? I haven’t seen the movie, talking purely about the two photos.
Isn’t “open relationship/marriage” a term for that?
Sounds too complicated to be true. Obvious explanation is Jewish Space Laser!
Can’t find it. Is it even real?
4 mothers back is all I can summon,
What’s the spell?
What do you even do for 8 hours???
I’m a clueless virgin if you can’t tell
Deck verified too
From halfway across the world, I think you guys are going to do same thing as Americans. Unhappy with not as good party so replace them with regressive dicks.
You could tell me that’s Charlie Kirk with his mom and I’d believe you.
Fun fact: In most Indian languages, the queen is the advisor/minister, bishop is camel (rider), rook is elephant (rider), and knight is horse (rider).
I played it for few days, got pretty far, but stopped playing because it’s just so repetitive.
Here you go :)
What a goober🤗
I’m OK with 2D but draw the line at pixel-art. Pun not intended.
That’s it?