I think I remember that app? I’m going to have to go look that up. It’s shocking what one forgets in a quarter of a century.
I think I remember that app? I’m going to have to go look that up. It’s shocking what one forgets in a quarter of a century.
To all of the authors below who have disparaging opinions on the UX/UI experience and or the download ability. It’s a volunteer project for a reason. If you have such grand ideas and abilities put your money where your fingers are and fucking sign up.
Because that’s the only way he can even begin to accomplish any goals. What’s the alternative? Working with Republicans what the fuck? The only way anyone can accomplish something in a two party system is to try to work with one of the two parties. Do you think he would have any better success with the Republicans?
I really haven’t been paying attention on the consumer side, are there a ton of systems in the works or out for ARM on windows? Everything I see due to my line of work is business class SKU’s they are not cheap and not game friendly. 😬
They won’t or can’t get their anti-cheat/DRM in as a kernel module. Would you trust that bunch of fucks to not screw something up terribly by trying to pop in something like that?
Never even got to a production release. ☹️
Samsung’s DEX had a downloadable Linux VM running nearly a decade ago.
I don’t know when or how, but it seems in my lifetime we went from that. Having corporations that just did something well and left it at that to this idiotic grow or die mentality that seems to be fueled by investor ROI.