We should void every single bill you sign then since we all know you don’t read anything aside from a McDonald’s wrapper. And that’s saying a lot.
We should void every single bill you sign then since we all know you don’t read anything aside from a McDonald’s wrapper. And that’s saying a lot.
I’m glad I’m not the only one, lmao.
These fuckers want to be land barons.
Thank you for your service.
Challenge him. He’s has no business being a party leader if he’s as spineless as the Republicans who pushed this bill.
Most of those comments are bots. Moderation on YouTube is atrocious.
If we somehow make it through this all these fucking spineless democrats need to be held accountable for enabling these traitors and recalled.
I’m going to hate him even harder now. Thanks.
This is on brand for MAGA.
Each day, they get more brazen, and we are still stuck holding the bag.
Hope he catches every single sickness and disease known to man.
“You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!”
Way to intentionally miss the point. Expected from an .ml loser.
Right? What’s he gonna do? Force us to buy Teslas with no money?
I typically use the Paterson Tank.