Won’t someone please think of those poor Teslas and Muskie’s feelings?
So don’t be taken alive by Nazis? We knew that already.
Perhaps we can send the felon in charge to El Salvador. That’s would be so wonderful.
They scratched a car, 20 years of suffering!
Gotta love the trump rhetoric, yeah, we want THAT too in Canada, oh yeah
If any punishment is ever delivered. I hope people remember Bukele was on it too.
I used to be very strongly pro US, but this timeline has changed me 180° degrees and make me dislike everything about US. It’s unbelievable how fast things have changed. Just a couple months of TrumPet’s and Elmo’s administration and everything is going to fully shit.
Why isn’t this dude dead yet? Seriously
Poor aim
It was a staged event.
Strong 9/11 was an inside job vibes here.
He’s driving purely on hate and spite. Like the damn revenant, fucker won’t die until he completes his mission of destroying America.
Why do I see 3 comments removed by moderator. Are you trying to guide public opinion?
Replying again as I checked my account and all three are there. There’s the ‘innocuous’ one, another was an nsfw caricature (amusing, though), and the other was a call for violence (99.9% sure it was /s, but rules must apply).
So, imnsho, the modding was fair.Been happening a lot on here in the last few days, Its on the increase
One of them was a reply to me (as a general statement to the post, not querying me) so it appeared in my replies even though it had been removed.
I won’t repost it bc I don’t wish to piss off the mods but it was a standalone comment, and seemed innocuous to me.
I wonder what Prison Trump ends in once this coup has been “put away” by the people.
He won’t experience shit. It’s nice to think about but this dude has skirted accountability for his entire fucking life. The only justice is a gun or knife.
Please delete this from the internet.
What was it
A rather unflattering ai nude of the orange man. I might need therapy after that one…
Which ai produced it though. I asked le chat to make Putin slap trump and it didn’t generate 🙄
delete this
Just a reminder that there are Tesla cars in Europe too, wink wink, nudge nudge.
We’re mostly fine with not buying them.
Jury nullification
use it or lose it. we did not use it.
What jury?
The one that they will use to try those accused sabotage
lmao, there’s no jury because there’s no trial.
become ungovernable.
So 20 years for Trump. He set him up for all of this.
no, see, that’s not what laws are for.
……Laws? We still have those? /s
Yeah they help the rich get richer.
yeah, that’s why we blame the victims rather than killing the thugs who come to take our neighbors.
see, we DO have law, but it’s made by the likes of nancy grace and alex jones, not thoroughgood marshall and sam alito or whatshisname biden and whatshisname shiff.
Not too shabby. I’ve asked an LLM for a joke and it made me want to crawl down a storm drain looking for clowns
First solid laugh of the day. I’m keeping that one.
A problem is that sharing the current location of my representative is considered stalking.
If I knew where he was, I would politely explain the issues.
No it’s not if it’s public information. I saw you at the grocery store yesterday and I told joe. Is that stalking? No.
Can you tell me where your congress person is right now?