Hipster Nazis: they were fascists before the US started pretending to not be cool about it
Hipster Nazis: they were fascists before the US started pretending to not be cool about it
You DO get a Star Trek meme as a reward for asking about glory holes, though:
With apologies for the cringetastic* expression: based and intersectionality-pilled
*I will however NOT apologize for the excellent portmanteau
You never know when a frigate will come in handy.
Granted, it’s “almost never” for most people, but your nautical mileage may vary 🤷
Just kidding, it’s inclusion/inclusivity 😁
Diversity, equity, and Irrigation
Unless you have the common “my fingers are idiots” (AKA poor fine motor skills) symptom of ADHD like I do, making any handwriting a slow and arduous chore with “legible” the height of aesthetic success 🤷
Australian Penitentiary Choirs strive for excellence, and for that, they need frigates.
That’s still not true. Especially when you consider the planned obsolescence that those fucks have implemented to make sure we never stop needing to buy their crap.
The main problem I have with their comment (and, to a lesser extent, yours) isn’t the being wrong itself, though.
It’s the victim blaming, the shifting of responsibility from those who choose to make shoddy wares to maximize profits, to those who have no choice but to buy the crap, absent better regulation and enforcement of same.
Not to mention the ableist assumption that everyone is equally independent and self-sufficient.
That’s streets ahead.
Stop purchasing items that are toxic.
stop buying so much crap
Easier said than done without any regulations to make sure that you don’t have to be rich to afford nontoxic noncrap.
Buy a carbon steel pan and learn how to make it non-stick, it’s all you need.
What are you, a monk? How are you even on the internet if all you claim to need is a single piece of cookware? 😛
Here, have the gif edition!
They’re absolutely right, but he won’t.
He wants to be Tony Blair and the “special relationship” enabling of war crimes and other atrocities is no exception.
Find yourself someone who loves you as much as aardwoof loves aardwolves ❤️
I have no idea what that UI is telling me.
That the people of tumblr (tumblers? Tumblrs? Daves and Debbies?) have some serious username skills 😁
I mean the US was already about 70% there, much farther than almost every other Western country…
Not that the remaining 30% isn’t CRUCIAL, mind you, but let’s not pretend that nothing was wrong with just about every aspect of the US political system before Trump et al took it to 11…
I heard from an unreliable source that Ben Shapiro’s wife has dangerously dry currency. Might catch fire, is the worry…