Haven’t we debunked the offsetting as useful? There was a lot of fraud going on in that space as well.
Interesting, but also bizarre. I mean, you don’t buy the Steam Deck for the hardware, the portability with controllers, trackpads and so on is the main thing about it. Or is the hardware cheap for what it is? Can just buy one of those mini pcs and put Bazzite on it instead.
I know this is too simplistic a view but… if you run into this issue, don’t buy anything.
If you really want to play that game still, sail the high seas.
Just FYI, currently in Sweden I pay the equivalent of about $10 for the standard tier without ads.
They only recently increased it to the close to $10. Currently I am OK paying that since my kid is actually using Netflix frequently.
As soon as the price goes higher, or they introduce ads in any way or once they start peddling their shitty mobile games on the child account, we’re out.
They already started to not have non-English audio for a few pretty popular movies, which is a weird move and makes it less usable for us as well.
Already got Jellyfin setup, so no worries for the future on my end.
Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
You could be in a coma and that phone is your real alarm set by your wife to try and get you out of it.
That’s why I take my steam deck to work and play in my lunch break. We also have personal lockers so I don’t need to worry about where to keep it.
Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?
Someone learned something about themselves today.
Its a shitshow but one has to admire how fast that went.
Excuuuuuuse me!
Not defending the guy, he seems an ass but he is also seemingly not that involved with the company anymore.
Watt stepped down from BrewDog’s daily operations last year after 17 years but retains his ownership stake and holds the title of “captain and co-founder” in a non-executive role.
The company apologised and promised to learn from the situation, though they later faced backlash for reversing a pledge to pay real living wages.
So maybe rather lookup what he currently does and boycott that if you can.
This is just a modern day “the importance of being earnest”.
Which begs the question if you can swerve non-aggressively through a crowd of cyclists.
Interesting how bad online gaming got, that articles like this one exist. Content of a game you bought not vanishing after a few months is revolutionary, just wow.