No one who currently watches MTV has ever known it to play music videos. It’s been this kind of garbage their entire lives
No one who currently watches MTV has ever known it to play music videos. It’s been this kind of garbage their entire lives
Sounds like channel 4 in the UK although they would probably call it something like Horny Benefits Scrounges.
Even if he could overrule health and safety laws there’s absolutely no reason for him to do that. Increasing trade with the European Union just makes the likes of Reform look weaker while at the same time not giving the general public yet another reason to dislike him.
Allowing US meat byproducts into the supermarkets is a lose-lose situation.
I don’t think anyone in the Trump administrator is really a big thinker when it comes to international economics otherwise they wouldn’t be messing around with this utterly self-destructive tariff idea.
Most Americans acknowledge the existence of other countries, that just refuse to believe those other countries have access to electricity, plumbing, or the internet.
I think that’s North Korea
That’s because he has the vocabulary of a particularly thick 12-year-old.
Yeah the US better watch out or… er… else
They must be absolutely terrified of us
I was going to say I can’t remember the last time I intentionally went in one of their stores. It has always been bad value for money.
Fix a spelling error, but that broke the compiler so reverted the change and now it’s still broken. Please merge.
My personal favorite is when it complains about a missing semicolon. So it’s 100% knows what the problem is, it knows where the problem is, and it knows how to fix it. But it’s not going to fix it out of spite.
You’d fit right in with most Americans, as they like to go around claiming Irish heritage and a lot of them have a much more tenuous link than yourself.
The UK effectively only has two parties. There’s a lot of little ones but none of the others are ever going to gain power.
Labour, plus the lib Dems if they can be bothered but probably not.
And the inevitable Tory Reform coalition / Nigel farage just becomes a Tory
There is just this depressing inevitability about the whole thing
Are the Americans going to reciprocate if the Tories ever get back in?
Only if Americans can explain why they cannot pronounce a simple four-letter word correctly.
I’m pretty sure that requires admin access to enable though.
My router takes forever to discharge. I was trying to unplug the Christmas lights earlier this month and I unplugged the router by mistake it must have been a good 30 seconds before I plugged it back in again and it was still on.
I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a feature, or if it’s just got some really out of specs electronics inside.
It’s just some cheap router that you get from your ISP I don’t know why it’s like that.