Oh but look at this deleted draft PR release that was committed that doesn’t really say anything spicy and was later sharpened up to reflect the intentions of the author.
Oh but look at this deleted draft PR release that was committed that doesn’t really say anything spicy and was later sharpened up to reflect the intentions of the author.
You might be right about Googles agreement with Mozilla. I had assumed it would be based on the number of searches performed with a mozilla user agent but that’s just a guess.
I’m not sure why exactly but I just feel very uncomfortable with the idea of donating to Mozilla. I absolutely believe in the importance of Firefox’ existance, and if I felt I was contributing to that then I would donate. I think with the situation as it is making a donation would feel a bit like voting - my own contribution isn’t going to effect the outcome, and I don’t really agree with mozilla’s behavior anyway.
On the other hand, if Mozilla declared that they were going to spin off a separate org exclusively to develop and maintain firefox, and would have no ongoing relationship with google nor advertising of any kind, would focus on privacy, and were going to survive entirely on subscriptions, I feel like that’s something I could get behind and feel happy to contribute.
I’m not really sure what you’re getting at?
I understand that my circumstances are unusual but I would absolutely pay $20 a month without a moment’s hesitation.
I would pay $50, but I’d really have to believe in the project.
It’s worth noting that presently mozilla earns $0 from my not using google, and not seeing sponsored tabs.
My kids are too young to ask questions, but I intend to do my best to give them good thorough answers, including doing my best to find out when I don’t really know the answer.
That’s daft.
Develop wherever you like the dev tools, test everywhere.
I dabble in web development.
I use ungoogled chromium for that. LibreWolf for most other things.
It sucks because it’s performative.
“Look at me being mean to these poor people”.
not doing a single thing to stop it.
That’s hyperbole. A lot of people, everywhere, are doing lots to mitigate fascism.
I agree that things are bleak. I also try to focus on practical, local things on which I can have a positive impact.
I’d like to think that some things will get better, and others will be less bleak.
Climate change is occurring quicker than we had hoped, but we are making progress towards mitigating the worst effects, even of that progress is slower than we had hoped.
Not trying to be an ass but American cars havent been great since forever.
That’s the thing about ADHD memes, they tend to resonate with a lot of people who are apparently not ADHD.
I’m not an expert and others here will explain this better than me.
If this behaviour is an indicator of ADHD, then the severity could be arranged along a spectrum. Someone with ADHD is more likely to exhibit the behaviour in an excessive and harmful way.
I think musk is getting off on the new throne from which to infuriate the wokerati. He’s trolling. I suspect that this won’t rate a blip on the list of shitte things this dept does.
Yeah, I absolutely agree with this sentiment. The whole plastic mess really grinds my gears.
The straw thing is classic “industry reference group consultation” stuff. Regulators asked the companies that manufacture stuff wrapped in plastic what they should do, and they said “no more shopping bags!” and “cardboard straws!”, and now consumers feel like they’ve endured some hardship and solved the plastic problem. Meanwhile the assholes can keep selling everything wrapped in plastic because that’s the cheapest way to sell it.
About a year ago I noticed plastic products at the shop like wraps and bin bags with “50% ocean plastic” or some such. They define ocean plastic as plastic collected from communities within 100km of the ocean which have no other plastic reclamation facilities. In Australia 99.99% of the population lives within 100km of the ocean. City Councils pay companies to process waste. If you take the plastic from those companies then it meets their shitty definition of “ocean plastic”. So in summary, they’re not saving any dolphins, but using the plight of the dolphins to sell more plastic. Assholes.
Regulators need to regulate these cunts. Add a levy to any product that includes plastic. Start at 1% and increase by 1% each year forever. I have absolutely no doubt that within just a few years your local supermarket will be awash with products enclosed in amazing polymers comprised of frog spit and corn starch that were invented 80 years ago.
The best IMO because it’s just a client you install on a device which reads an encrypted data file you can sync how you like.
This way it’s not a hoard like lastpass or bitwarden.
syncthing if you just want to keep a few folders in sync between devices.
Yeah what the fuck is with that.
It’s a very twitter centric view of the web. If you’re not on xitter you’re “shutting out a significant portion”.
The thing is, it’s not simply that Musk has an ideology that is disparate from my own, he has an agenda that is egregiously contrary to the stated values of the Debian project.
You’d consult with the community over a new logo or blog layout maybe, but on whether to assist Musk in his far right agenda there’s not really any decision to be made honestly.