I think it depends on the client … you can make the client proxy the images through a tunnel or VPN to hide your IP address, but the network load needs to be on the client; the server cannot simply take that load by default.
Marxism developed in 19th century. Maybe we have to rethink a bit what we want to stand for. None of these models still apply to our current time. There is no workers class anymore like it used to exist in the 19th century. Everybody is either job-hopping or doing gigs. Demand for workers is going to drop due to an end of world-wide growth. Either abandon the free market and give people more than they deserve (in a “free labor market” sense), or drop your birth rates (to lower supply of work and therefore increase wages).
There’s a parallel universe in which the fundamental laws of physics are different: the weight of an electron, the gravitational constant, how many fundamental particles there are, the cosmological constant, …
What distro are you using, and how difficult was it for you to get started with it?
I’m currently making a list of distros and looking at each’s pros and cons, including:
haha yes, statistics is neat :)
Also, what would you do with infinite time?
The question is: how long will it take for self-replicating AI to take over the economy, and therefore control our lives?
Imagining planning for decades into the future at all.
i see your point. i consider ideas to be like stars - they only shine in the darkness. our current world is so full of stress that we have no time to consider silent things anymore.
i think of “progress” and capitalism and the current system as an intense sunlight that burns us, but some are made for the night.
Yes also this diagram:
Gives you a clear sense of how quickly things are turning.
In a geological sense, all of humanity isn’t even a heartbeat.
don’t worry
In the future, we won’t drive cars anymore.
You have put very well in words what i have been feeling for a long time.
“Theory of Baseless Forms” is a phrase i must remember. “I am deeply saddened that people around here are no longer in contact with their essence and have fallen into believing this game is the only real thing around…”
Yes, exactly, the world used to be a magical place, guided by magical principles, but nowadays everything is rationalized, superficial, and driven by the law of mass action (also called “economies of scale”).
There is no myth in the modern world, no story told except that of capitalism and endless greed, and the soul of people seems to be silent.
I would also point out that “greed” is the problem, not “egoism”.
Egoism is a healthy attitude to take care of yourself.
Greed is the unhealthy attitude to do so at other’s expense.
There was a soviet joke:
A refugee from the sovjet union was not surprised to learn that most of what his government had told him about his country was lies - it wasn’t that great.
However, he was shocked to learn that they were telling the truth about other countries.
I’m studying Physics at the moment and Prof. gave us a printout of a textbook last week stating that the internal of the sun generates approximately 150 W / m³ on average. That’s about as much as a compost pile, so, not very much. The sun only generates enormous amounts of power because it’s so huge. In other words, reproducing fusion on Earth might actually not be very efficient.
I guess the reasoning behind this is to foster the abilities in genetic engineering.
I don’t think so.
Primarily because there’s not economic benefit in it for the ruling class.
Also, we’ve made the experience of the war in the middle east around 2000 where the USA couldn’t even occupy a farmer’s state for more than a couple years.
I don’t think anybody realistically thinks they can take over another (big) country in this time.
for me it’s easy because i mostly remember what i just made. but that’s also because i pay special attention to what i do and what comes out afterwards, kinda to do semi-structured research.
yeah but there’s also a lot of people just seeing cooking as a chore and never really paying attention to it, therefore not learning much or anything at all.
it takes patience and a bit of dedication to actually learn cooking in a reasonable way. otherwise you’re just following recipe.
don’t forget the source code!