I’ll have to check this out.
Also, can’t help but callout another wholesome Gator game - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1586800/Lil_Gator_Game/
I’ll have to check this out.
Also, can’t help but callout another wholesome Gator game - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1586800/Lil_Gator_Game/
I’m not sure how good a source it is, but Wikipedia says it was multimodal and came out about two years ago - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-4. That being said.
The comparisons though are comparing the LLM benchmarks against gpt4o, so maybe a valid arguement for the LLM capabilites.
However, I think a lot of the more recent models are pursing architectures with the ability to act on their own like Claude’s computer use - https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/build-with-claude/computer-use, which DeepSeek R1 is not attempting.
Edit: and I think the real money will be in the more complex models focused on workflows automation.
My main point is that gpt4o and other models it’s being compared to are multimodal, R1 is only a LLM from what I can find.
Something trained on audio/pictures/videos/text is probably going to cost more than just text.
But maybe I’m missing something.
My understanding is it’s just an LLM (not multimodal) and the train time/cost looks the same for most of these.
I feel like the world’s gone crazy, but OpenAI (and others) is pursing more complex model designs with multimodal. Those are going to be more expensive due to image/video/audio processing. Unless I’m missing something that would probably account for the cost difference in current vs previous iterations.
No I think they’re doing both of those. Definitely backwards compatible, and this says yes to hall effect https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-switch-2-joy-con-drift-fixed-leak/
Jo Miran below mentioned this, but they took elements from the book/potential sequel when making the ET ride at Universal.
I like your assumption is cheese covered corn rather than it being Mac and cheese.
Yeah, I hates it at first, but after playing a level or two it clicked. I’m not sure it’s better than 2016, but it did find it’s own rhythm.
The only thing I hated was the one miniboss like enemy that basically required you use a specific gun to beat.
Having bought and beaten the game by this point, I stand by my previous comment. Canadians should not buy this game!
That’s about flying without luggage.
Oh, my bad. It looks like a really short game so wouldn’t be surprised if people had an issue with the price, but yeah what can you even get anymore for $2.50.
I think its reasonable. A couple of bucks for probably an hour or so of game isn’t too bad.
But anything over $3 and it’s starting to push it.
Just some quick Google searches so not sure how reputable, but didn’t feel like copying random links.
But yeah, that’s why I called them out as estimates as I suspect there is a lot of room for error in those numbers.
I had to looks this one up, but missed the “galaxy” vs “universe”. There are an estimated 3 trillion trees, 100-400 billion stars in the milky way galaxy, but potentially 1 septilliom stars in the universe.
However all three of these are estimates, so who actually knows.
I’m actually not sure how you’d label the axis here. The info being conveyed is the relationship between two separate things.
Another bad one is reddit. The amount it pushes the mobile interface while on mobile is painful, but switch to desktop mode and it all goes away.
I don’t go on it a lot anymore, but when I do it’s typically from my phone and its really gotten worse.
I feel like the nes->snes, gb->gbc->GBA, ds->3ds, and wii->WiiU were all pretty similar advancements.
In all of those except nes->snes you had backwards compatability, and the wii->WiiU had hardware backwards compatibility (which the switch 2 doesn’t, at least for controllers).
Should take a screenshot and post to the “aneurysm posts” community.
It’s not even about being publicly traded. I suspect they’re taking the console approach where you count on the attach rate (people buying steam games) to make you money.
UK went through industrialization leading to its empire, and the US was the industrial power during its ascent. Same thing with Japan before WWII.
Many imoeralistic powers seem to go through big industrial growth before expansion.