
  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Ug. Unrequited love. I think they wrote a few plays about that back in the day. They usually had bad endings.

    Humour aside, the best way you can deal with this is tackle it head on. He’s Just a Guy, honestly, and there are many other fish in the sea. Put yourself in his SO’s shoes and ask how you’d feel if the person you were in to was macked on by somebody else. Then imagine him doing all your pet peeves: leaving the toilet seat up if you’re a gal, hogging the covers on the bed, letting the dog or cat out, overfeeding or underfeeding said cat or dog, and 101 other annoyances I almost GUARANTEE you he’ll do at least one of, if not far more.

    As for him being able to tell, what you do about it depends on what your and his actual relationship are. For instance, if you’re mere acquaintances, avoiding him is probably the best bet. If you have a professional relationship with him, keep it professional and channel your feelings for him elsewhere, preferably something healthy like meeting new people and expanding your after-work friend group. If you’re friends with the guy, and you have a strong friendship that you don’t want to lose, you’ll have to evaluate that friendship to determine if you should keep things bottled up and do the whole ‘look for dates’ thing, or if you level with him and tell him you have the hots for him but understand those hots will never be acted on, or something else, and see if you and he can work through diffusing this. Humour is my go-to for these kind of solutions. “Hey, I really like you, like more than friends, but I know you are dating so and so. Can you give me your top ten reasons why I shouldn’t date you? Be graphic!”

    It’s tough in love out there, and I wish you the best of luck!

  • That’s not what grumps said. Hold the one guy who voted wrong accountable. Hell, hold them all accountable, but holding Dems accountable happens in the Primary, not in the General.

    Besides. You didn’t vote blue no matter who. Enough people stayed home, voted third party, or, heaven forbid, voted for the Shitgibbon, that we ended up with the Shitgibbon. Everything we warned you about has come to pass. Things your little faction claim to care about have been gutted. Hard-won progress over decades of effort all the way back to my hippy mom’s youth have been lost, and more and more are on the chopping block of the absolute shitheads you and yours got elected.

    Transgender people are being taken behind the woodshed. Gays are next. Other things we took for granted such as vaccinations, clean air, clean water, billionaires having to at least give lip service to not doing naked bribery and corruption, rule of law, stability in international interactions (trade war with fucking CANADA of all places?!), and such fundamental things like democracy and free speech are on the chopping block. And all you are here to do is punish Democrats. The Trumpster Fire thanks you for your contribution and rewards you with a tiny step back in the line. Don’t worry, though. You’ll be on the chopping block soon enough. The Insurrection Act is going to come for us all, thanks to the actual stupid idea you just pushed here.

    When you hold people accountable in the General instead of the Primary, you enable the Fascist takeover of the US. The only question at this point is whether this action was taken from stupidity or complicity.

  • Let’s put it this way. I have been shadow-banned on Reddit. Got an e-mail saying my account appeared to be hacked after I responded to an apparent call for violence with an observation that we’re generally not violent as a group but as time goes by, things might change, and a warning that you have to be careful with what you say because Reddit has a rule against calling for violence. I did the steps to secure my account, but while the message wenty away, I have verified that all my comments disappear into the ether. Sure seems like a ban there.

    And now, you can be banned for even LIKING a call for violence? And Reddit’s admins basically black-hole you if you have support questions of any kind. So, you like someone saying, say, “If this crap keeps going on, I might need to do something more than holding a sign, if you know what I mean,” and some Reddit power-tripper with a hardon for Trump clicks the ‘ban ur account’ button, and then you are stuck in read-only mode in reddit.