I agree, what I come back for is definitely the presentation of the world, the scenery and just exploring Skyrim.
Yes, no changelog, but this time they instead posted an “article” about the update on the Nexus!
Ken was my favorite too. Just a karate guy with a cool haircut against all those hulking brutes.
I agree. The music, colors, skies and nature sounds all come together beautifully.
Ah yes, the secrets were fun. I remember trying to find them all with a friend but no idea how far we really got.
I was 16 when I realized that I actually really enjoy video games. I just hadn’t been that interested before. So I used my own money that I had saved, went by bus to the store and purchased myself a SNES. It was a lot of money for me but I was super happy. My favorite games were Zelda: A link to the past, Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country. Great games! Donkey Kong Country’s graphics were seen as amazing at the time. It was some kind of innovative 3D modelling.
Very nice! Is that Happy Little Trees? I used simply bigger trees on my last playthrough, this time I felt like playing with the vanilla scenery.
Yes the visuals are very close to vanilla, it is not visible in the picture but this is actually with upscaled vanilla textures - the mod’s name is Vanilla Remastered. All in all I’m running some 200 mods - bug fixes, mesh fixes, some environmental mods like more birds, water lilies etc and some gameplay and qol tweaks but still meant to feel mostly like vanilla also in gameplay.
Yup! Imperial, heavy armor, 1H weapons, currently trying to focus on enchantment but getting distracted by restoration…
Skyrim again
Once Hod and Gerdur invited me to their house and he seemed like a very open and friendly guy. But when I entered their house he immediately told me “You need to leave” repeatedly. That felt kind of creepy and manipulative and I haven’t trusted him since.