What is a nice or interesting memory you keep with the SNES?
I played a lot of SNES back when I was a kid (I received my SNES when I was 4 years old as a Christmas present, now I’m on my 37s). But I had Super Battletank, a game where you play as a tank to get rid of enemies. The guns and bombs were so loud it scared the sh*t out of me and I fled from the room and cuddle in the sofa, shutting my ears.
Now I remember this with a laugh 😂.
It’s 1991 and a kid brought his Super Famicom to my school from Hong Kong. They played Mario and almost got kicked out of school because they felt they had the right to control the only TV for 100 kids because “I got there first”. This issue was resolved when the lights in the room went out and someone threw it out of the 4th floor lounge window. 15 suspects and none of them said who did it but we all knew.
I was so in love with my first rpg i took my snes with me to my uncle’s house for Thanksgiving, had to beg my parents and promise it wouldn’t get in the way of family time and id share with my lil cousins.
Cue me sneaking snes after hours in the basement. It was early thursday morning and i was hungry (because i wanted to stuff myself at Thanksgiving i had the bright idea to not eat all Wednesday) and cold. Only the light of my uncle’s 70s ass wet bar and my game, played very softly so not to wake the fan snoring nearby.
i had just made my way to 2300 a.d. The blowing snow and desolation felt perfect with the rooms vibe and playing all alone in the dark, and when i stepped into the chambers to refill my health it said “HP/MP recovered! (but you’re still hungry)” and it just… Man, it really felt like i was living in that game for a minute
‘blows on the cartridge even though it does nothing’
I was 16 when I realized that I actually really enjoy video games. I just hadn’t been that interested before. So I used my own money that I had saved, went by bus to the store and purchased myself a SNES. It was a lot of money for me but I was super happy. My favorite games were Zelda: A link to the past, Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country. Great games! Donkey Kong Country’s graphics were seen as amazing at the time. It was some kind of innovative 3D modelling.
I played the hell out of DKC, trying to reach 101% without guides (those weren’t easily available back in the day), searching every single level and astonished when I found a secret.
It was an amazing feeling and yeah, I had much more time back then.
Ah yes, the secrets were fun. I remember trying to find them all with a friend but no idea how far we really got.
I have a distinct memory of being in a grocery store with my godmother when the SNES hit and they had Super Mario World on display.
“Graphics can’t possibly get better than this.” I thought.
I remember playing F-Zero and falling out of my chair as I leaned into tight turns.
first thing that popped in my head was how i milked a runny nose into 3 days out of school so i could play biker mice from mars on SNES
I have fond memories of playing through Super Metroid for the first time. The SNES was at my dad’s house and my parents were separated so I only got to play every other weekend. A friend on my school bus was also playing and usually further along than me (he had his system at home) and he’d drop hints about locations of secret power ups and where to go next when I was stumped. The game world felt huge and full of adventure to me.
On those weeks away from the SNES I’d read through Nintendo Power and draw my own level maps for imaginary games inspired by the ones they’d publish for games like Wolfenstein 3D.
Super Metroid is immersion at its finest, and the magazines back then were an interesting (and colorful) source of information.
Street fighter, and dad getting in on it. He just wanted to hangout with me and my siblings. As an adult i realize he didnt mind losing like we did. He would only pick Ken though which is just so odd.
Oh I did that too with my dad, though my dad was not very gamer. Ken, alongside Ryu is one of the easier Shoto characters to play
O my dad was next to no gamer. He had always liked home computers, and to get me interested we played some games on actual floppy disks, includding that old ass mario where dk is throwing barrels, and some old multiple choice rpg. Little kid me did not know what a rpg was, and my dad still doesnt, but we played one. It was dope, really set me up as a lifelong gamer.
But snes was a few years later, and he just wanted to get involved. He did not ever pick other characters to know ken was easier, or even that ryu was the exact same although we did tell him that.
I suspect since me and my little bro where white kids who took karate he felt like ken was a good fit. Either wayvgood times.
Ken was my favorite too. Just a karate guy with a cool haircut against all those hulking brutes.
I never owned a SNES but my best friend did. We played Wrestling, Mario Kart and Secret of Mana. He even owned the four player accessory and playing Secret of Mana with two other people was awesome - especially at the time.
The first video game commercial I ever saw on actual TV was for Secret of Mana. I loved that game. It was the last thing I played on my actual SNES before the system itself just died on me during the final boss fight 😩
Did you manage at least to beat the final boss in some other way?
Oh I almost immediately got a cart dumper to not just emulate the game, but to get my save file off the cart so I didn’t have to grind through the entire game again.