8 months agowhat I liked about 3.5 was that it was insane, and the system was exploitable in ways the GM could not predict. it let you surprise even a railroady GM. there’s a kind of vibrancy that gives to a fantasy world. I think for a lot of people, that was the first time they saw anything like that. it was a tedious 90s/00’s kind of good.
it was tedious, and required knowing far too many rules. it was a tedious sprawling 90s/00’s kind of shitty. I don’t think it was a good system on balance, I just think it’s better than any other D&D, unless pathfinder counts.
and you can absolutely play a non-wizard, you just have to be as broken and weird as the wizards are.
pretty sure it;'s not the voting.
pretty sure it’s everything OTHER than the voting that gets them what they want. and the liberals refusing to let anyone stop them.
you’ll notice that even when a fascist loses an election, like in 2000, they still get their guy in office sometimes.