The guys in the middle is one of the main writer, he explained on a live stream that this was on purpose, they re-created as exactly as possible the advertisement from the Ghostbusters movie.
The guys in the middle is one of the main writer, he explained on a live stream that this was on purpose, they re-created as exactly as possible the advertisement from the Ghostbusters movie.
Oui, oui, les plus fortunés vont prendre leurs clic et leurs clac, leurs usines, leurs entreprises, leur staff, leur patrimoine immobilier, leurs placements bourcier et vont se casser du jour au lendemain dans un autre pays. Ils vont prendre toutes leur famille et leur réseau d’influence avec eux au passage.
Les riches qui se casse juste parce que ils sont taxé 1% de plus, c’est du gros mytho. Il faut arrêter de croire ça. On peut leur en demander plus, pas de risques.
The only important thing to understand about cheese, also the most complicated thing to learn, is how to properly cut it.
I have to cut the cheese for my wife during family gatherings, because I know she will massacre the poor thing and everyone at the table will silently judge her.
There is an untold etiquette to follow while cutting cheese, and the method is different depending on the cheese type and shape.
Instructions here in French: couper le fromage - Karambolage - ARTE /
Instructions here in German: Wie schneidet man französischen Käse? | Karambolage | ARTE /
If you want to bring more people to Linux, preaching is really not a good way to do that. We are not a religion, we are not a cult. We are an enthousiastic bunch or nerds :)
Avoid behind judgemental of people that use Windows, Mac or other proprietary software. Do not talk about Linux in length when it was not solicited.
Instead, you can show how enthusiastic you are about all the cool things you are doing with your computer that happens to be running Linux!
When people around you, do make the choice to switch, of their own will, then offer your help with all the patience and understanding you have.
All the best 🐧🐧🐧
Oh non ! Les IA vont nous remplacer 😱
Centuries of struggle to improve human rights, painstakingly, little bit by little bit. It takes a couple of days to wipe it away. Sickening.
Oh p’tain! Bien trouvé. Je me rappelais plus que Dieudonné avait joué dans ce film.
My work mobile is Samsung and anytime I hear the default Samsung ringtone anywhere I feel a stress spike.
I like Mumble, it’s a simple and effective alternative to TeamSpeak.
Yeah, I think breathing accounts for $1440.
I would take steps income. Going for a jog twice per week, assuming I’ll be taxed at the same rate as my current job, I’ll still earn much more money for way less time investment, plus I would be fit and I enjoy running.
I have a good experience with the NVidia shield TV (2017). Jellyfin app work great without tinkering and HEVC deciding is supported by this device, minimizing the need of transcoding.
The experience outside of Jellyfin needs some work though, to get an ad-free experience. Once Projectivy Launcher and Smart Tube installed and configured, I am fully satisfied.
I haven’t played too much with Raspberry, I think HW decoding is still a point of pain.
Oh ? I thought this was a new flavored vodka. You saved me a click right there !
Fais un effort ! Tu peux y arriver. Tu dois y arriver !
There isn’t enough pixels capt’n ! Can’t read the sentence :(
This, plus self hosting jellyfin and *arr and I basically have a better service, with no ads, nice UI, access from all my devices, offline access, 4K resolution, music streaming. Basically the all-inclusive premium plan, not exactly for free, but for a very reasonable cost.