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  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • This is a case of “Dude, choose your battles.” The fricken’ Colorado Renaissance Festival is half an hour down the road and they have elephants they treated like shit for years (things are somewhat better now, but far from perfect).

    But meanwhile you take your case up with a modern, professional, scientific, state funded zoo that has elephants just like every other zoo in the country, (and knows more about how to house and care for them than you do… what’s your plan, transport them back to Africa and release them into the wild??)

    I don’t disagree at all that elephants should get better treatment and more respect from humans than they do. Someone should absolutely be (and I’m glad someone is) arguing the case for non-human persons. The science is really in on this, but public opinion is WAY behind and the law is probably even farther behind. That wasn’t going to change here.

    This whole lawsuit was waste a donor money on a publicity stunt, when WAY MORE WORTHY TARGETS, where they could actually do some good, are right next door. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo doesn’t deserve this. They put a ton of money, energy and time into conservation and educating the public. Their breeding program is the reason black footed ferrets are doing as well as they are in the wild. They participate in a whole bunch of endangered species breeding and reintroduction programs.

    The NHRP could have done a LOT MORE GOOD and gotten actual public sympathy by going after CRF, even if they ultimately lost their case. Instead, they chose to harass a zoo that lots of people love and that has done lots of good work. That might get them some page views and some donations from radical vegans who haven’t actually thought the situation through, but it’s not going to change a damn thing, and it is going to waste resources that could have gone to upgrading habitats or preserving endangered species. I am unimpressed.

  • I grew up around the wealthy. They are all insane, the wealthier they are the crazier they get.

    I believe that the correlation has to do with a sort of mental miscalibration. I think that the human brain uses feedback from its community to calibrate it’s judgment of what’s real and what’s not and what’s right and what’s wrong. The rich don’t get honest feedback from their community. The people they spend the most time with either work for them or want something from them, so no one is honest to their faces. Not really. They say crazy shit and get feedback that it’s wisdom, from people who fully know that it’s crazy. They act in inappropriate ways and everyone behaves like it’s fine. They lose the ability to judge their own behavior, beliefs and self-awareness, and because they’re constantly treated like the smartest person in the room, they start to believe that they are, even if they know consciously that they’re not.

    Meanwhile, their peer group is undergoing the same thing, so they are all insane too. My experience is that they mostly don’t actually like each other that much, because another known fact about the human brain is that it’s able to detect delusions in others, but not itself. The rich are fully aware that the other wealthy people around them are delusional, and on top of that that many of those delusional people are in competition with each other. And yet they will socialize with each other and act like everything is hunky-dory and friendly (just like the drama drama drama in every other community). I’ve watched wealthy people, more than once, socialize with other wealthy people and just be totally cool and friendly, only to just spew the most venomous crap as soon as the other person is gone. Also, there’s a pecking order. The dude who’s worth $20 million usually want something from the guy who’s worth $120 million, and that guy usually wants something from the lady who’s sitting on $3.2 billion. So it’s not like they can even get honest (but crazy) feedback from each other.

    If it sounds like “hey, that would make people paranoid and isolated” it DOES! Being wealthy is super toxic for the mental health of the wealthy person, we are living in the consequences.