“Stand With Tesla.” Musk reposted it to his massive audience, but the sentiment didn’t prevent him from losing $23 billion the following day.
“Stand With Tesla.” Musk reposted it to his massive audience, but the sentiment didn’t prevent him from losing $23 billion the following day.
I think he needs to do something bold to silence all the haters. He needs to ride that next Starship launch personally. He should bring his pet president along too. Safety regulations be damned! It’s time for action.
In former Soviet Russia, gift gets you!
I’ll be the American in the fourth panel of that We’re the Millers meme.
You guys have minimum standards?
I don’t think it’s unusual for voices to be raised in a passionate disagreement, but maybe it is and I’m just in a similar situation.
Interstellar is a great choice if you do reconsider. The visual effects when they go through the wormhole are a stand out.
Tesla and Shitter can both fail and he’ll still be fine as long as they get Starship working reliably. Kessler Syndrome is probably the only move left that he’s afraid of.
People who stand in the way of this type of thing are be risking jail and death.
Musk has been giving off Ramsay Bolton vibes for a while now.
The US will honor treaties when they are politically or economically advantageous to the leadership at the time. Everything else is up for negotiation. At the end of the barrel of a gun.
If you give some rich people a butt load of money they will tell a judge that the wind is the real culprit here. The blame truly belongs to a butterfly. If you give that judge some fancy rich people trips, they’ll agree and that’s perfectly legal and perfectly fine. If anything, noticing it and making the judge feel bad about it is the problem that really needs to be addressed.
Look orange to me. Orange is light brown.