As a german: this is 1:1 the 3rd Reich playbook.
Stop it as long as you can!
As a german: this is 1:1 the 3rd Reich playbook.
Stop it as long as you can!
Have you ever heard of case of overheating hard drives within the last decade?
If you ignore the impact on the environment, fertilizers, CO2 production by machines required to grow that stuff. Sure, then it is just ineffective solar.
In reality it is a environmental nightmare
Don’t buy nvidia. Intel and AMD opensourced their drivers and, more importantly, care for their customer needs. And i am talking about gaming customers.
The only thing nvidia cares about is AI and lots of money.
They lie to their customers (fake frames, paperlaunch) und neglect the gaming needs in favor of AI.
And, after all, AMD does not use 12V high power connectors, just simple, non burning, dual 8 pins
I, as a german, hope that our executive knows the constitution well enough to ignore this and do their fucking job.
I heard America is for sale?