When they’re literally deranged by Taylor Swift and Barbie movies…
they’re so far gone in the cult they belong in mental institutions
Tomorrow there’ll be a new bill to decriminalize pedophilia.
Well you know what they say, not ever republican is a pedophile, but every pedophile is a republican
This will not pass in Minnesota. What a stupid bit of grandstanding and waste of taxpayer money.
This will give the Government of Putin the excuse to throw the critics into the privately run detention centers.
When you let the nuts runs the show, sanity goes on trial
Maybe if your cult obsession with Trump is to the point where you propose bills like this you might be mentally ill for real.
This is amazing to watch! To see all the liberals trying to figure out what TDS means to themselves. It’s a blessing to see so many being illuminated.
They’re starting to become aware of themselves!
weak bait is weak
Trump Derangement Syndrome sounds like it’s named after an ailment Trump suffers from, just like how Lou Gehrig’s Disease is named after the disease that Lou Gehrig had.
What do we call the child molesters wasting our tax money drafting bills like this? Oh right, maga supporters.
Hey, turns out one of the Republican senators that helped draft this bill is a pedophile.
Hopefully you figure out what TDS means and who the people you associate with really are.
Obviously I already know about TDS since I said that. So, what did it mean for you? Did you learn anything about yourself?
How does the pedophile thing relate?
“How dare you notice my fascism! You’re mentally ill!” gaslighting at its finest and classifying something doesn’t make it true.
Changnesia is REAL!!!
one of the sponsors was arrested for soliciting a minor today
That was remarkably fast
Gaggle Of Pedophiles
Canada and Mexico REALLY need to seal our borders…
The problems in both countries have always been the US
I seem to clearly remember a story from the Bible about this, but perhaps they’ve simply skipped that part during their reading?
Nah they know about it, let no conservative tell you their Christian. To be Christian is to aspire to be like Christ, very few self proclaimed Christiana can claim that