New plan: we all kick out the US and we’ll invite most of the rest of the friendly countries name it the one-hundred thirty-eyes and we’ll have blackjack and hookers.
Australia and NZ are in a difficult position. From the day European’s arrived they have been aligned to the world’s dominant sea power. Both are remote and reliant on sea trade. I don’t know that we have the mental flexibility to change. More likely we will negotiate with the Whitehouse to get the best we can out of things under the circumstances. I wouldn’t expect either political party here to publicly oppose Trump except on long established foreign policy like support of Ukraine. I wouldn’t mistake lack of protest with acceptance.
The countries with the most self-interest in securing our sea trade are China, Japan and South Korea for their food, energy and raw materials, not the USA. US is a net exporter to us but a lot of it is financial, services/IP and I think their commitment is somewhat less than it was post WW2.
I am joking but that’s how Tulsi sees the situation.
Ukraine is about to be fucked over so hard that it will be a chapter in history books what happens when a smaller nation tries to stand tall and gets ganged up on by nuclear powers.
There was an article the other day about kicking out the UK, who’s going to be left at this rate.
US, Russia and North Korea?
New plan: we all kick out the US and we’ll invite most of the rest of the friendly countries name it the one-hundred thirty-eyes and we’ll have blackjack and hookers.
Australia and New Zealand, who Russia doesn’t really care about.
This president has been such a disgrace to the intelligence community.
They’re not going to stay with the UK and Canada gone.
Australia and NZ are in a difficult position. From the day European’s arrived they have been aligned to the world’s dominant sea power. Both are remote and reliant on sea trade. I don’t know that we have the mental flexibility to change. More likely we will negotiate with the Whitehouse to get the best we can out of things under the circumstances. I wouldn’t expect either political party here to publicly oppose Trump except on long established foreign policy like support of Ukraine. I wouldn’t mistake lack of protest with acceptance.
The countries with the most self-interest in securing our sea trade are China, Japan and South Korea for their food, energy and raw materials, not the USA. US is a net exporter to us but a lot of it is financial, services/IP and I think their commitment is somewhat less than it was post WW2.
With Tulsi Gabbard as the US Director of National Intelligence, how much do we want to leak to Russia?
everything, obviously
Russia is our ally, they should have access to all the intel we have on Ukraine.
Please say you are joking, and you just forgot to put the /s at the end.
I am joking but that’s how Tulsi sees the situation.
Ukraine is about to be fucked over so hard that it will be a chapter in history books what happens when a smaller nation tries to stand tall and gets ganged up on by nuclear powers.