Countries have treaties around mutually enforcing intellectual property, probably would come into play here and allow for the US party to file a claim against them in a European court.
The point isn’t to say America doesn’t have smart and educated people but that America would need additional smart and educated people to do all the things Europe is doing currently and America is not. The same problem would be exactly identical in reverse if you wanted to reduce a world where Europe imported half (lets simplify a bit and ignore everyone else’s contributions from other parts of the world) of the high skill products from the US and produced half domestically and now suddenly wanted to switch to doing it 100% domestically.
Where would the US in the current anti-immigration (and anti-education for that matter) political climate get high skill and high education people who can have their pick of any country in the world if they want to uproot their life at home at all? Not to mention in numbers that replace essentially every high skill and high education job in Europe?
And no, it doesn’t really help that you only need to produce for the domestic market because you can’t half write a piece of software or half invent a drug if you only need it for half the people.
That’s very neat then, you’d probably get sued anyway cause companies don’t care, but it does make me want to make a game like that and see what happens.
Countries have treaties around mutually enforcing intellectual property, probably would come into play here and allow for the US party to file a claim against them in a European court.
Hopefully Europe puts an end to those treaties because of Trump
At which point the US copies a ton of European IP and floods the world market with less expensive replacements.
There are very good reasons why in general we recognize IP rights
You spelt “China” wrong.
No I did not. China already does this. The US will as well.
Honestly, the US doesn’t have the high skill workers to copy all the stuff actually worth patenting from Europe.
Lol, sure we do. We might even have more simply because global wealth inequality pushes them towards the USA.
You mean into the racist shit hole that is extremely anti-immigration the US is becoming?
And much of Europe is doing the same?
The point isn’t to say America doesn’t have smart and educated people but that America would need additional smart and educated people to do all the things Europe is doing currently and America is not. The same problem would be exactly identical in reverse if you wanted to reduce a world where Europe imported half (lets simplify a bit and ignore everyone else’s contributions from other parts of the world) of the high skill products from the US and produced half domestically and now suddenly wanted to switch to doing it 100% domestically.
Where would the US in the current anti-immigration (and anti-education for that matter) political climate get high skill and high education people who can have their pick of any country in the world if they want to uproot their life at home at all? Not to mention in numbers that replace essentially every high skill and high education job in Europe?
And no, it doesn’t really help that you only need to produce for the domestic market because you can’t half write a piece of software or half invent a drug if you only need it for half the people.
And the point is Europe is adopting the same anti-immigrant attitudes while being on average much worse of a place to integrate within.
European courts don’t recognise software patents, no matter where they were filled.
That seems to be wrong at least according to the ESA.
The software itself is copyrighted, the invention is patented, either way the Nemesis system seems to be protected in europe.
That excludes video game related patents twice in one line.
That’s very neat then, you’d probably get sued anyway cause companies don’t care, but it does make me want to make a game like that and see what happens.