You’re never wrong
I was sure this was the ADHD section
I have an entire jar cabinet storeroom to store my cabinets of empty jars, and am building a warehouse out back to store more storerooms.
Jars are perfect for lacto fermentating anything
I have never been more attacked by a post in my life
When our kids got old enough my wife threw out the plastic, Ikea flower cups that the rest of us all loved. She wanted us to use more grown up cups. We now all drink exclusively from her mason jars.
Many indoor plants can be propagated in glass jars of water. And you can stick those jars in pots if you want. You can forget about watering them for weeks and it’s fine
Hi I have a small piece of aloe vera that’s been cut off a bigger plant and it’s spent about a year or two in a pot with some soil and it looked fine until recently I realized that it started to rot and it has no roots but there are new bright green leaves growing from the center. Would it be a good idea to wash the rot off and keep it in a jar like this to wait for the roots to start to growing and then replant it into new succulent soil? Sorry for a random question but you seem to have expertise in this
I don’t think aloe vera will like water propagation but you can try. If you put it back in soil, add some more perlite and sand to increase drainage in the soil, and water less frequently.
Sometimes cuttings just rot and die even if you do everything right. About 1/3rd of my cuttings die even when others thrive, despite conditions being identical. So it’s sometimes a quantity game rather than quality 🤷
Who tf disposes glass jars. I understand plastic but as long as you have space, why would you throw them.
This is me, I save all the glass jars. Also save the tide pod containers and my wife coffee cans. They all have a use.
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you’ve now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn’t load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
I really got hung up on the “reuse” part of reduce, reuse, recycle.
I am both of the people in this image.
This is my partner with jars.
Same. Our agreement is that she can keep glass containers, and I can keep old electronics. We keep each other in check lol
Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
Mice musta thought you invented some kind of forcefield to protect your food. They can see it, but they can’t get to it!
A wizard! Tis why they fled.