That’s not so simple. Subsistence fishing is the sole means of livelihood and self-sustenance for a significant global population. It provides essential food security and supports local economies, particularly in coastal and island communities. This traditional practice ensures families have direct access to nutritious seafood, often using simple, low-cost methods. It is crucial for maintaining resilience in the face of environmental and economic challenges.
There’s only a very small amount of humans living off fishing. If those were the only ones, there would be no problems. These people do not justify any fishing for people who don’t need fish to survive.
There was no trying. I just did it.
it didn’t work
It did a tiny percentage. We’ll need more people to get a bigger percentage.
it’s not clear it did anything at all.
It’s not like somebody is throwing nets in the water because I don’t eat fish.
they don’t care whether you eat fish. they’re throwing the nets regardless.
Common misconception. It’s simple supply and demand. Do you think people would be destroying the seas if nobody would pay them for it?
@x00z @nsrxn
That’s not so simple. Subsistence fishing is the sole means of livelihood and self-sustenance for a significant global population. It provides essential food security and supports local economies, particularly in coastal and island communities. This traditional practice ensures families have direct access to nutritious seafood, often using simple, low-cost methods. It is crucial for maintaining resilience in the face of environmental and economic challenges.
There’s only a very small amount of humans living off fishing. If those were the only ones, there would be no problems. These people do not justify any fishing for people who don’t need fish to survive.
supply and demand is a theory about price discovery. it has no bearing on this discussion.
You’re claiming my choice has no impact, but it does because of supply and demand. It’s very small, but it’s still there.
If no one ate fish anymore, would it still be profitable to fish in an industrial style?