I experimented making a cola drink tonight. Yesterday I had to make a thing called browning syrup for it, because it’s hard to buy Parisian essence these days, (and Parisian essence these days is just colour 150). Today I made the actual cola syrup and it’s cooling and developing in my fridge. I always thought cola was made out of cola nut, and maybe it once was, but according to wiki it’s made of lots of different things like citrus peels, star anise, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamon and other spices. Huh, TIL. The Minipeelers were keen for me to make Nuka Cola from the Fallout Cookbook Elder got for his birthday. Surprisingly it tastes like cola! Plus I saw the soda stream pepsi syrup at the stupormarket which had a horrific amount of numbered additives. Like, is it even food at this point. And 1.25 litre coke varieties were $4, surely they’re taking the piss at this point! So I made my syrup and couldn’t resist trying it early… you pour it in a glass and top it up with fizzy soda water. We were all pretty amazed. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow with the flavour all finished developing.
How brilliant. I never would have thought this could be made at home, I just assumed the flavour was artificially made. I’ll have to look up some recipes out of curiosity!
That’s so cool. I’ve heard about Open Cola and wanted to make it without caffeine or artificial sweeteners but it seems like a bit of an undertaking!
Let us know how it is
Power is out here inner east I can’t see shit
As long as you’re seated it should still go in the bowl
It’s the should that haunts me
Not the “as long as you’re seated”?
hey we all gotta stretch our legs a lil’ on long haul flights. But to miss from that distance…
When the day dawns we depart for Ikea. Hopefully the non weekend timing makes this a less earsplitting experience than otherwise. Also reading up on removing yuccas, WTF have we gotten into?!?! 🤯
Wear eye and arm protection against the yuccas. Best approach is to trim the leaves and then cut the stalks. Patience is the key.
Going to need a chainsaw for the big ones I suspect. Will be hunting pups for years.
The stalks and leaves are pretty fibrous. I ended up using a handsaw cause the fibres got tangled in the chain.
It’s a fairly soft plant, so doesn’t need a lot of elbow grease for manual sawing.
Is a tad beyond a hand saw… I have no bananas so cucumber for scale
Yeah, no kidding. Damn.
Yeah, not a chainsaw. I used a reciprocal saw with a pruning blade.
Second a Recipo. Tough little buggers can take out almost anything.
My finger had an intimate argument with some bluestone / basalt yesterday whilst moving it. Feeling that today.
Spoke about gravity, savlon and poor judgement. Basalt won.
do you have someone to kiss it better?
Unfortunately finger is single atm :( its other four friends are trying to avoid the same fate which I respect.
Gibson’s welcome home day is today, and the ten years sobriety.
A good combo lol.
Just chilling today, weekend coming up will nice ❤️
Congratulations! Sounds like an occasion for a cake. Or to buy yourself something nice.
Thank you :)
And I reckon you’re on the money lol
urge to zzzzz
I read a short biography of one of my fave artists last night.
He was not a good person, he came from a deeply misogynist society , knew better but still aided in events leading up to a young woman being murdered by her husband.
He was also not some magic artist that had no help or training.
I am conflicted as his paintings really are beautiful.
There are a lot of artists and musicians who unfortunately aren’t great behind the scenes
Who was he?
An Australian.
please don’t be Brett Whiteley
it’s not
Sidney Nolan? Frederick McCubbin? Pro Hart? Ken Done?
ETA for afternoon tea: 15 mins. Iced fruit bun, highly anticipated yummyness.
Also fake tax time.
Make sure you sing the dango song every time if it’s a thing in this game as well
No canteen yet or food.
Might have to finish a couple of quests before I get access to it.
Noticed all my nasturtiums were gone… ran the tape back and a workman whippersnippered them. Forget even trying anymore.
Maybe that’s what happened to the marigolds too (despite bright flowers)
maybe next time cordon off the garden bed with some string and sticks
4 day weekend next weekend, but it can’t come soon enough. Might have slip in a mental health day somewhere this week
That moment of “NOOOOO” when you accidentally open Duolingo after a couple of months. And yet, I feel too guilty to turn off the notifications – even though I pretty much have all notifications turned off on my phone!
The AFL really needs to get its shit together.
To allow the opening game to happen with the cyclone over in QLD is pure insanity as much as I want to see my team play.
Move the opener to round 3 where the bye for the teams are or move it locally and tell people early so that they don’t make a dangerous trip to Brisbane.
Anyway that’s my rant for the day.
Yes, they should move that game to round 3. But also what even is this half-arsed ‘opening round’ nonsense? Just play a normal round of footy.
It’s so stupid. Just make it round one for starters and maybe have a game in Melbourne.
They think they’re capitalising on the NRL being away in Vegas.
Gibsons got some special treats and is sitting in her cat tree.
I’m on the couch with a fancy pizza and my new favourite drink, gatorade.
Peaceful and daggy.
I have bought some fancy sheets.
Now for the nap.
When I went looking at houses in Seaholme I went to the beach too and found some pieces of coral. Seems there are big reefs off the rocks close by. Might be nice to go out and take a look one day. 🙂
here’s the bits I found, it’s a type of pavement coral, common name Green Coral.
Watch out for certain 🔵💍🐙 ! When I was a kid growing up near there they were often seen in those rocky bits there, don’t know about these days though.
I’ll be careful.