Ohio realtor fired after writing ‘I hope Trump deports you’ on Mexican restaurant receipt
Ohio realtor leaves ‘Hope Trump deports you’ note for disabled waiter —here’s what happened next
‘Hope Trump deports you’: Ohio realtor leaves racist note for waiter at Mexican restaurant, fired
The woman was upset over the restaurant’s policy of allowing only one coupon per table.
Looks inbred
Don’t be silly, she’s clearly a bottle blonde.
I don’t like living in a red state. Surrounded by hate morons.
Columbus is good, but the rest of Ohio has 2 million people who knew exactly what a second Trump administration would bring and voted in favor of it. I’m ashamed to call myself an Ohioan sometimes.
I think they imagined it’d be closer to his first term. Most people don’t pay enough attention to politics, and those that do are consuming bullshit rage bait from Facebook.
I won’t yell at you for saying that. I feel the same way.
More reputable link - https://www.newsweek.com/stephanie-lovins-fired-cazuelas-mexican-cantina-trump-2039785
Lovins initially denied any involvement, claiming on social media that her credit card had been lost or stolen and that someone else had used it.
“My credit card was lost/stolen, and someone attempted to use it. Thanks for the notifications! This has been reported through my bank,” she wrote on Facebook.
“Thank you for all the recent notifications of scammers and profile hackers! I recently discovered a lost/missing credit card and an attempted use/purchase. I appreciate your patience while I manage the situation,” she wrote in a post on LinkedIn.
The woman’s social media account has since been deleted.
However, this was discovered to be a false statement after the restaurant reviewed CCTV footage and confirmed that she was inside the restaurant, leading to her termination.
lol stupid and racist go hand in hand
I’m absolutely losing it on Newsweek and their fair meter on that story…
Looking at the article, all they do is quote every involved party that responded. Her work, his work, him directly, and then state noted facts about her no longer working for her job and her direct quotes from social media…
And the meter pegging out under unfair left bias… Somehow.
The delusion is insane.
Just went and did my part, I found it very unfairly right leaning personally.
Bias can also show itself in which stories a publication chooses to publish, as well as which facts get reported and which are omitted. That said, this fairness meter thing is stupid bullshit, it’s a partisan vote button that does absolutely nothing to identify actual bias.
Yeah, good point. The story itself can carry a left slant from the purely “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” angle.
Stupid bullshit is exactly the descriptor for the “meter”.
At least this state has good beer that I can drown my sorrows in, because people here suck.
Edit: Apparently the woman also lied and claimed her card got stolen, amd was fired when they proved it was her on the security cam footage. Absolutely disgusting.
Next time I’m at a Mexican restaurant I’m going to write some encouragement on my receipt (along with a generous tip).
silly bitch ya voted for people who don’t respect you or your rights and put yourself on a poster for the country to laugh at
your career path is parasitic in nature yet you think you stand over another lmfao
Soon to be hired as the new head of DOH! … Department of hatred.
Didn’t Ohio vote for Trump? This is normal behavior in Ohio. I may not agree with their logic, but I completely understand why she thinks her actions are justified.
This isn’t news, this is just the normal day to day grim reality of living in a red state. The people that live in Ohio want this type of behavior, they overwhelmingly voted for this type of behavior. People from Ohio are overwhelmingly dumb, angry, and racist. It’s just the way those types of people are. There’s nothing they can do to control it, it just part of their biology.
/SI agree with you, as long as you exclude the big cities like Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinati.
Otherwise, I wish I could disagree, but I can’t. We’re a state that’s so far north it borders Canada, but we still fly the confederate flag all over the countryside.
God dammit Ohio. Why are you like this? You know Florida isn’t an asperation, right?
I agree with you, as long as you exclude the big cities like Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinati.
That’s how it works in every state. There are no “red states” or “blue states;” only blue cities and red countryside.
Why go to a Mexican restaurant if you hate Mexicans?
I got coal-rolled by a lifted truck with a Trump flag flying off it…right before it turned into a parking lot with a taco cart.
These people are dumb as fuck.
it would be really funny if Mexican restaurants started denying service to people wearing maga clothing
Same reason they go to Mexican brothels?
Ahh, to cry in the bathroom
Meaty tacos?
Nobody fucks with the Jesus!
Yes exactly. Like where should that pour soul go to? McDonalds? That’s American.
The woman was upset over the restaurant’s policy of allowing only one coupon per table.
No doubt there’s some juicy irony that she’s probably stressed about money because she can’t afford eggs. Not saying that’s an excuse, I’m saying that’s extra seasoning for the Leopard >:-]>
She looks like someone who would say that.
She’ll be a guest speaker at the next RNC
I won’t link to my Facebook post about this because it doxxes her, but… this lady got a well-deserved internet beatdown, and so did her husband’s electrical business.
Cazuela’s says they caught her on camera writing this on the check. In the past three days, she could have apologized or tried to prove her innocence in some way. Instead, she lied about her credit card being stolen.
I know someone who used to be her neighbor, and they say she was always nice to them, but that was a decade ago. It seems the Trump train ran this one over.
Someone who is nice to you but rude to the wait staff is not a nice person.
I’m sure she was perfectly lovely to her neighbors. I’m also sure she is normally awful to those she perceives as beneath her.
I know someone who used to be her neighbor, and they say she was always nice to them, but that was a decade ago.
Out of curiosity, is that “someone” white? Also, someone who is nice to their “equals” but rude to the “inferiors” (like restaurant servers) isn’t actually a nice person.
Out of curiosity, is that “someone” white?
Yeah… They’re white. It sucks that I need to think about it this way, but it’s probably true. This kind of jerk isn’t brave enough to “say it with her chest” to neighbors they’re stuck with.
she lied about her credit card being stolen.
LOL. Going with the ol’ “It wasn’t me! Someone hacked my account.” routine.
Classic MAGA.
Also classic MAGA: Never admit to doing anything wrong, even when all evidence and logic says you did it.
Dumbass rich bitch getting pissed over not being able to double stack coupons?
Bitch you own a fucking electric company! Some of us have to clip coupons to buy groceries for the month to feed our kids and this bitch is blowing almost a hundred dollars on one meal and mad she can’t use TWO coupons.
This sums up rich fucks and the way they think very well.
Her electric company in Ohio that she’s a co-owner of with her husband:
And a go fund me to tip the guy she was a cunt to:
Hahaha, yessss, this is great.
Unfortunately, Yelp has disabled reviews, so I guess my review of “low quality service so I hope Trump deports you” will have to wait 🤷♂️
Looking forward to her future GOP congressional run. People like this absolutely refuse to accept accountability.
The gun nuts that displayed at protestors walking by their home had a special place at the 2020 repub convention. They only lacked the political savvy to play it into a career. You’re absolutely right.