Want to send an invoice to the suit that designed (or failed to design) the thermal qualities of this building. No way I should be paying this summer cooling bill on my own.
It’s been hard to acclimatize this year for sure. I work in a hot environment and expect it to be cooler outside lol. Everyone gets so drained and unmotivated. I want more autumn dammit. I love autumn. Where is that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness?!
Yep. Sweaty, underslept and somewhat aghast at just how dry everything is in the garden, in spite of watering. I want a week of cool cloudy weather with frequent rain. The eucalypts on my nature strip though, they’re putting out a lot of tiny new leaves and shedding scads of bark so maybe they know something we don’t. The garden ants too are building lots of air holes which they usually only do if the weather is wet. I think we’re going to get a change in the weather pretty soon. Can’t wait.
Is anyone else in a shitty mood from the weather?
Want to send an invoice to the suit that designed (or failed to design) the thermal qualities of this building. No way I should be paying this summer cooling bill on my own.
It’s been hard to acclimatize this year for sure. I work in a hot environment and expect it to be cooler outside lol. Everyone gets so drained and unmotivated. I want more autumn dammit. I love autumn. Where is that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness?!
Shitty mood but not weather related.
Yep. Sweaty, underslept and somewhat aghast at just how dry everything is in the garden, in spite of watering. I want a week of cool cloudy weather with frequent rain. The eucalypts on my nature strip though, they’re putting out a lot of tiny new leaves and shedding scads of bark so maybe they know something we don’t. The garden ants too are building lots of air holes which they usually only do if the weather is wet. I think we’re going to get a change in the weather pretty soon. Can’t wait.
Apparently tomorrow is bringing rain with chance of thunderstorms so I hope it hits us in the inner city!
I hope you’re right. My body isn’t reacting very well to this.
Wisdom of the Ages No. 733 - Trust the ants.
Yep, one or two days of warm weather is fine. However many days in a row it’s been now, too much. Also, it’s a constant battle to keep my place cool.
I’m pretty angsty and irritable lol
I’m hanging out for winter tbh, I wanna wear my hoodies dammit!
Angsty is exactly how I feel.
Phenomenally. It’s taking all my effort to even stay conscious it seems
I’ve slept 12 hours the last 3 days. I hear you.