They should just adopt the zip 22.
Hands down the most reliable, and powerful small caliber platform ever conceived.
I worked at HK on the SA80 and was piece of work everytime, damn sheet metal garbage
Zach was literally the first person I thought of when I saw this image lmao
Used the a2 in combat with the hk ugl and it kills baddies just fine a1 was gash
Wait, I know I’m late to the party, but is that a bullpup sniper rifle?
I can’t see how a sniper rifle benefits from any of the positives of a bull-pup save for maybe the shorter profile being easier to store. Something a folding stalk would do just as well.
Not at all familiar with the gun. Please tell me it’s a regular rifle intented for a designated marksmen and not a real sniper rifle. I see the optic which pushes me in that direction
The Green Meanie? No, the magazine is in front of the trigger.
No, the SA80. I’m very familiar with the beautiful L96A1.
Looks like I was wrong though and the SA80 is supposed to be a service rifle. Look man, I’m tired, allow me some stupidity
I mean, the shorter profile with the full barrel gives you the mostest boolet speed in a compact package, best used for urban combat where there’s a lot of walls and cover interfering with a full-size rifle.
There are bullpup snipers, tho - DesertTech makes a couple and Barrett has the model 99 (more an anti-materiel rifle).
The SA80 is one of the early examples of the push to give everyone an optic.
While the SA80 is a service rifle, there is a prominent bull pup sniper. In the early 80s, Walther made the WA2000. It was intended for urban counterterror operations, so it focused on portability and quick setup.
they only made 176 WA2000s and no military wanted them
e:no shade btw, that gun is super interesting
That wood furnishing was just too sexy for the military
Credit to Sine_Fine_Belli who originally posted this over on R*ddit
Just stop giving money to leadership and give it to engineers after they come up with a good design.
Ah, the silicon valley startup approach.
You end up with maybe 10% good projects, 70% grifters and 20% projects that seem great to the engineers but have limited practical use.
I read this with my VR headset in 3D while in the Metaverse.
You know, I actually wonder if there’s a universal law at play here. Maybe the same budget and the same ability to project accountability always gets the same return. To fund every good idea in a short period you have to fund a certain amount of bad ones.
Yeh but thats a fantastic return compared to 1% good projects , 50% of which never get finished and 49% of which never get started yet somehow 100% of them go 500% over budget.
That’s what they get for letting the EM-2 die in favor of conforming with NATO standardization of 7.62x51mm.
So now straight up facts are noncredible?
Someone hasn’t been following the news recently, credible and non-credible have flipped this year.
British tech has always been about weirdos in sheds making things that just work. We should get George from Robot Wars to come up with some crazy drone design that decapitates people and mass produce it to clear out the Donbas.
Believe it or not Arthur ‘Two Sheds’ Jackson got his nickname from his sheds