Buzz feed tomorrow: You’ll Never Guess the New Greatest Diet
As soon as my partner started cooking all our meals I gained weight. When it was just my lazy ass feeding me, I ate simple things like a sandwich, noodles, or a microwave meal. I have no idea what she puts in the food (it’s delicious) but the caloric intake is higher than when I was feeding myself.
Butter probably. I read somewhere that restaurant food is more tasty because they put lots more butter and sugar in it.
Likely because most men suck at cooking, and most women are expected to cook. So it’s basically from “I’m eating to survive” into “I’m eating tasty stuff”.
When I was engaged there was some odd reversal of that, my then fiancée complaining about gaining weight. Because guess what, she went from eating what her anosmic mum prepared to what some wog prepared. And c’mon, food is a biiiig deal for us wogs.
“The fuck is a wog”
does internet search
“okay cool English specific term for darker colored foreigner ethnicity people but apparently its a derogatory racial slur so why would someone identify themselves as one?”
Serious question by the way, is that like your cultures version of “we’ve appropriated a word you used to insult our kind and now pridefully incorporate it as a positive association word into our minority culture, and theres nothing you racist squares can do about it” or am I missing something?
I’m using “wog” as a direct translation to Portuguese “carcamano” (Italian descendant, mildly derogative). It’s directed towards my own group* so I’m outright reclaiming it.
*JK I’m a mutt. Proud to be one BTW. But yeah, carcamani in my family all the way down.
In Australia it’s an acceptable term, eg the movie “The Wog Boy”. In London it’s akin n to the n-word and not appropriate, I think London uses it as an abbreviation of golliwog, those racist dolls.
Learn something new every day, thanks for sharing the context :)
In my experience, when a couple moves in together (ideally on the way to getting married), their thiccness level slowly converges until they reach an equilibrium on being thicc in the britches.
Which can be good or bad. I’ve seen friends get healthier and gain unwanted weight. I’m just a neutral observer. Some people need more meat on their bones. Some people need to hike every weekend instead of drinking a 30 rack watching sports or playing on the computer or whatever. Ideally, a couple adopts each other’s best qualities.
Fishermen return with less bait than they sailed out to sea with. News at 11
In other news, water is wet.
We’ve all noticed this, right? Some of it is just age, but my dad ballooned just after he married and I doubt it was a coincidence.
The guy in the picture does not look obese to me, just overweight
Is this correlation related to marriage specifically or can it also be observed in long-term, stable, cohabiting relationships?
In either case, what does this suggest?That people presented with food are unable to regulate the amount they eat in a healthy way.
I’d also like to see if they controlled for age. I’m currently on my phone so I’m not when going to bother hunting down the study.
Age is mentioned as a contributing factor in the news piece so they seem to have at least investigated both marriage and age (in addition to depression).
The news piece doesn’t appear to link to any published study. They do mention that the findings will be presented so perhaps a peer-reviewed publication will follow too?
Anecdotally: I gained 50 pounds when my fiancé moved in, because like another comment said I stopped skipping meals like I did when I lived alone.
When we stop fucking, but keep eating, our bodies have to do something.
Why do the unmarrieds be more obese then?
They are not. They are apparently much less likely to be obese.
Well, I am not one of those unmarried men. I’m a really good cook, okay?
Where is the source data for this article? It doesn’t seem to have any associated research document in its contents
As a single man I’d skip meals without even realizing, but now we plan meals together and if I don’t say anything she will, so I don’t miss many meals now
It’s worse if you add kids into the mix too.
At one point with my kids I’d just skip my normal dinner and eat the Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets they didn’t.
With me it’s usually I’m not hungry, and then they are so I have to make them something, but then like u said, I end up eating their leftovers after they eat 3 bites, but I’d otherwise not be eating at all til I was hungry.
Why? Do they taste bad or something?
They have a lot of calories
Can confirm. Separated a year ago. I’m down 90lbs
She only weighed 90lbs?!
Coincidentally when we met in highschool we were both toothpicks and she was 90lbs and I was like 115lbs.
Basically the rule among the average Balkan slavs, across sexes. :D