I’m gonna roll around on the floor now!
soooo goood!
I miss you, cupcake...
I’m going to sing the doom song now.
6 months later
I am government man, come from government. The government sent me.
Aww… My bees!
PIGGGYYYYYY I missded youuuuuuu
🎶 Doom doom doooooom doooooooooom 🎶
I love a rendition of the doom song.
Invader Zim fans? On the internet???
It’s more likely than you think!
Oh this reminds me of highschool. Still love it and Squee! Never did get into more of the Vasquez stuff though.
Same! Though I was very into Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I don’t always look back in fondness at my edgy Hot Topic years 😅
I still re-read Squee! It’s a funny read… and own the whole series of Zim, honestly it’s the least cring of my hot topic years! Lol.
I was having fun with his various twitter feeds before that all went to shit…
I can hear this picture.
Chews walnuts casually
Zim is sooooooo high strung for every little thing. Reminds me of me