Just leave and be forgotten. Why bring good or bad attention to reddit? Most humans in pre-tech history have been born, then died, then were forgotten.
No one knows I’m there in the first place. 😅
I did start to think I must be shadow banned, or I’m just really dull and nobody cared enough to reply to what I wrote
Got banned for saying “trans women are women” lol
PSA: delete your account!
being banned is funny and stuff, but reddit can, has and will unban accounts to inflate their user count for their investors.
delete every account, post and comment if you can.
I was wondering why people were doing that
Forgot about this. Can’t they restore accounts too?
i dont know, i dont think so (without a user asking them to?). i think it would be less trouble for them to just create new accounts on their own. same result, but nobody can claim that their deleted account was restored. i think restoring deleted accounts could lead to legal trouble?
Really disappointed when I got banned out of nowhere. Worked for my profile and when my posts are getting interactions, my account is gone.
Will miss the friends i made there.
Yeha it sucks for sure, but youll be fine, for me I had hella niches like comicbooks, blender, vfx/houdini, indiedev that kept me interested and I def miss that, I dont really enjoy just viewing it half the fun was commenting and asking how ppl did stuff. Now I mostly use Yt, tiktok, Ig, and bluesky (not a fan but finding ppl to follow was easier than mastodon/sharkey) for those niches. I hope those communities grow here, only thing I used reddit for was that and wordpress drama.
Selfhosting/linux info is solid here so I was still able to discuss and learn about that niche even losing reddit.
I also miss the edm/rave communities, but they were going downhill, kinda peaked 2-3 years ago imo.
Oh forgot tvshow speciifc communities, I dont miss them, I dony like other ppls opinions when it comes to the shows I like apparently, I feel better not arguing.
My old account is still there, what’s a good way to get it banned in protest?
dont get banned upvote the ocassional lemmy post and downvote the lazy naysayers that chime in every time it gets some steam lol
I mean I hardly even visit Reddit anymore since the API crap killed the app I use. Pretty much just switched over to Lemmy at that point.
dont get banned, just delete your account. reddit is notorious in unbanning people to inflate their user count to investors.
Is there a good way to change all my former comments to garbage?
I believe so. Especially after reddit killing third party apps, were many tools created or advertised, like
(all were taken from i reddit comment that i don’t want to link to. you will find it yourself, but screw reddit!)
Everyone has their own journey
I mean…I am here BECAUSE I got banned
I made some good content on Reddit that I’m actually proud of and would like to remain up, so I’m not too excited about doing something spectacular to get banned.
Oh, I operate differently. I’m providing free content, good or bad, end of day I don’t reap the benefit. Even just engaging people in discussion helps the platform move along. So anything I contribute would be equally suited for the garbage can.
One man’s trash and all that…
I can certain only respect that opinion. I’d certainly like to port my stuff over here and delete it from reddit, but the community I would put it in doesn’t exist on Lemmy.
I’d create the place here, but I am for sure not a good person to run an online community. I’m thin skinned and don’t suffer fools gladly. That’s the kind of moderator people generally hate.
I’m sure you could port it over and look for mods. Right now lots of the small communities are stuck in a sort of hypersleep. If things ever picked up you could pass the mod hat.
I didn’t do much, but I did tell the admins they’re useless pieces of human garbage and I can’t wait for that platform to go under. I was terminally addicted to reddit and was on it probably 8 hours a day. They’ll start noticing when a large chunk of their population drops off for other networks. I don’t really care if they know I left or not. I left because of my own reasons.
Banned spectacularly
If I wanted to be noticed, I’d go outside. The reason I liked reddit, more than any other social media, was because my identity was practically irrelevant. Only my posts mattered.
Same here. I hugely prefer lurking until I feel compelled to speak on something. My MIL is a Facebook addict and routinely complains about people being rude and mean about things she posts; for me, it’s just like, if people are going to be mean, might as well avoid tying your personal identity to the target of those insults. It hurts a lot less, and it doesn’t follow you around the same way.
I left back in 2023; didn’t do anything besides purging my posts and comments and deleting my account. No sense doing anything spectacular, you’re just wasting your own time and causing more overall engagement on the platform. Though I suppose posting about the fediverse wouldn’t be the worst idea.
I got banned for daring to report violent content. Apparently reporting death threats is ‘targeted harassment’ of the moderators now
ooh i had the same thing too, other accts i had reporting someone is not allowed because its not a violation, or im “harassing someone”, or im commiting report abuse. and/or a mod gives thier piece of thier mind that my report “does not constitute a report, just because disagree with them, how is disagreeing when im reporting misinformation”
I’m still on both. Here for all of the political stuff and and anti-Reddit post and on Reddit I’m still in the subreddits that aren’t on here yet. Mainly a lot of crafting related stuff. And whenever someone complains about censorship on Reddit I respond with Lemmy as a suggestion. If I get banned I get banned. We’ll see.
I seem to be in the same category as you regarding a few groups that get no traction on Lemmy. Do you have any idea how they handled mentioning Lemmy in a comment? I would think it would be worse if you mentioned it in a post
So far the mods aren’t minding my comments yet. But I’m quieter about it than some people I’ve seen on here. No all caps, or bolder text. No links. Just a comment kind of like this explaining that Lemmy is a pretty cool place. Probably slips through the cracks easier ;)
I think someone runs a crosspost bot that can copy a subreddit to here. I don’t recall who though. Might be a good solution to the missing technical/niche subreddits on lemmy.
The lemmit.online instance exists, but it’s utility is limited without a two-way bridge for comments. It’s effectively just like a crowdsourced RSS feed.
I’m staying to be a fediverse evangelist. Someone’s got to upvote all of Blaze’s posts.