I have the same bobbins / cards for the same reason. It has been a few years and none of them are showing signs of aging. Almost all of mine have a lot more floss on them though (my privilege is showing). Not sure if my technique is what you’re doing or if it’ll work for you, but here is what I do: I tend to start the floss in the bottom 2 slits (once in each one) and then I wrap it on the main part of the bobbin. When done I try to still go back and hit both slits again, but this time 2 times each if possible.
Well caught! Are symbols in crochet universal? Or do they often differ per pattern?
Ooooh, now that’s a great idea. This works especially well because I spin my own wool yarn on a drop spindle. That means I often make rather small amounts of yarn at a time. Those should be just about enough for 1-2 of those squares. If I vary the thickness of the yarn for the different squares seaming is going to be a bit awkward, but I’ll get over it. Thanks!
Actually I spin yarn myself. Really need to get one of those little cards to measure width with though so I get the yarn right for whatever pattern I’m attempting. Thanks for reminding me that that is important. For me it won’t be more or less expensive necessarily. Just takes time to make, but so does any other yarn.
Fair enough. I mean this type of feedback is indeed exactly what I was asking for. I regularly try to give beginners reality checks in other crafts that I do have experience in and I figured I probably needed one of those ;) thanks for taking the time.
Makes a lot of sense. As the other commenter suggested I think I’ll work myself through the different stitches this project is tagged with one at a time. Might even find some with a lower difficulty on ravelry that I can get excited about while I’m on my way to learning enough to tackle this. Thanks!
Oooh, thank you. It’s also my first time on ravelry and I hadn’t noticed that it’s tagged with the stitch types. Makes a lot of sense to work through those first one after the other. Picking a challenging project I can get really excited about as my first project is usually something I have a surprising amount of success with with crafting, but I suspect this one is just too far out of reach for now. I’ll find some lower hanging fruit to get excited about to get me closer to knowing all the stitches required. Thanks again.
Sadly a lot if not most of these changes will take generations to reverse. It’s the sad reality of things.
The main good thing I am taking from the news currently is that as far as I can tell the people won’t accept this for very long. Can’t quite yet tell how or what will happen, but I’d be surprised if the current regime are still in power in the same way 1-2 years from now. The protest are amping up at an intense speed, the videos coming out of the few republicans still giving town halls feel like the crowd is a pot about to boil over.
Makes sense. This is doing decades of damage. Plenty of past groundbreaking research came out of the US. But I get it. I wouldn’t want to move to the US either for very much the same reasons. Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of paid holidays and gun safety would be the main reasons. Lack of food regulation would also be a concern. And now the current regime and the way too large chunk of the population that still seems happy with it means we put even tourist travel plans to the US on hold. Too scary at the moment. Trying to help the best I can from here, but there’s only so much you can do at a distance.
All numbers I’ve seen for record applications were for high level research and university level teaching. Maybe the medical doctors mainly moved states? At least I haven’t seen them making headlines about moving to Europe.
And as far as I’ve seen the numbers it’s working too. Anywhere in Europe that is academic or sciency is seeing record numbers of Americans applying. The brain drain will be real.
Thank you! That’s indeed the info I was looking for. I’ll make sure I’ll probe in some related communities to see if there’s enough people interested. If there isn’t then that’s fine. If there is I now know how to do the technical side of things. Thanks!
That looks like very interesting yarn to work with. Did you spin it yourself by any chance? Feel like elaborating on why you picked it?
Makes sense. I guess I can start off posting about my hobbies in places that are sort of related, even if it doesn’t quite fit entirely. Thanks for likely saving me some frustration.
And I’m ready for the Reddit breakup. I haven’t even received a warning or anything like that, but found out half of everything I ever did on there was shadow banned. I’m done giving that page my attention. Next step is removing all of my history so that my comments and posts that they deemed “wothy” don’t bring traffic to the site. If I can still be bothered after I’ll see how long it takes me to speed run a ban.
Problem is that lack of places to vote isn’t a bug. It’s a feature. It means people who don’t have access to transport or who have do work during the day have a more difficult time voting. Not everyone has the time to drive somewhere and then stand in line for hours. Republicans have used this as one of their techniques to discourage certain groups of people from voting at all.
So far the mods aren’t minding my comments yet. But I’m quieter about it than some people I’ve seen on here. No all caps, or bolder text. No links. Just a comment kind of like this explaining that Lemmy is a pretty cool place. Probably slips through the cracks easier ;)
lol, so ironically the posts I’ve made so far would have had a thumbnail if I hadn’t tried to specifically give them a thumbnail through the link field? The posts have images in their body of the text too.
I’m still on both. Here for all of the political stuff and and anti-Reddit post and on Reddit I’m still in the subreddits that aren’t on here yet. Mainly a lot of crafting related stuff. And whenever someone complains about censorship on Reddit I respond with Lemmy as a suggestion. If I get banned I get banned. We’ll see.
Everything I’m looking forward to is all in my personal life. We’ll pick up a new furry family member later today and I’m looking forward to getting to know them for example. Looking forward to learning new creative skills I can use as an outlet. Globally speaking I’m currently not optimistic enough to look forward to anything.