Post had nothing to do with murder or violence. It is clear who reddit serves.
That sub generally isn’t a meme sub so it’s not surprising they removed it for non conspiratorial reasons.
This is why billionaires didn’t like Lina Khan. As head of the FTC she understood her job was to prevent and break up monopolies. The billionaire monopoly winners disagreed.
What other murderers are your heroes folks?
Agree. This shit is unhinged.
Oh, did he actually do it?
Because last I checked, he’s a suspect and there’s no guilty verdict.
So if anything, this is just a innocent until proven guilty guy.
Then why are you all making him a hero if he didn’t do anything?
Who is we? The only person who is throwing butthurt comments is you
Who is “you all”?
Also it doesn’t matter if he did it or not from perspective of the class struggle and corporate oppression angle
The state chosen him to be the face of the people and they done fucked up because it back fired spectacularly.
So to answer your question… “We” didn’t make him anything the state presented Luigi as the alleged adjuster who was already was enjoying huge support prior to Luigi being set up with the conviction starter pack.
The state tried smearing him via fake news and socials… That failed too.
And the state has yet to even covict him of the alleged crime.
So you tell me what “we” actually did here beyond asking a few questions about what actually happened and why woulf somebody do this to such a leader lim brian Thompson.
Clear Channel, but they changed their name. I think they’re IHeartMedia now?
I literally rage quit reddit over this. Hence why am on Lemmy now. Hopefully we can draw more users from Reddit over here. Esp with the boycott of all things US.
Welcome! I migrated when the old Reddit apps stopped working, and the grass is indeed greener on this side, except for the non-English communities.
you would probably banned eventually anyways, since luigi is enough to have you banned. i was banned a few weeks before this for some other stupid reason. apparently people were getting banned anyway after temp ban is lifted.
We’re allowed to discuss all forms of revolution, so long as they are ineffective.
So if you want to know how to stage a successful revolution, consider what you’re not allowed to say as the starting point. And take a look at how the CIA overthrows governments- it ain’t peaceful.
also, look at all the americans the FBI has gone after hardest. except the ones they were obviously paid to silence.
it’s not all violence. it will all draw violence.
Am I gonna get banned for upvoting this?
The number of peaceful revolutions we can unfortunately count on one hand. We can strive for to -but we have to be realistic
However there also has to be a plan. Simply overthrowing the existing rule allows chaos & someone worse to assume power
Not only that, but without a plan you won’t even be able to get close to overthrowing any half-competent regime.
so you’re saying there’s a chance?
The old rule has already been overthrown. By Trump, far right white Christian nationalists, and silicon valley. Unfortunately, it’s being replaced with something way worse.
Yes, I know - but the revolution is happening because people are angry and they believe the system is broken.
I’m all for a short return to normalcy if actual change follows.
If actual change does not follow, I promise you we will be right back in this position before you know it.
I completely agree that what’s coming is worse. But if you don’t have a plan, the ensuing chaos is EXACTLY what Silicon Valley is hoping for so they can grab power. They have said it out loud.
Something has to be done by someone otherwise we’re all fucked.
I am not sure I agree that the old rule was replaced. Before, the oligarchs ruled from the shadows by controlling political campaign finances and lobbyists. But now, the oligarchs are so powerful they are ruling directly. The country is still heading in the same direction (relentless growth of power disparity between the rich and power) just at a quicker pace.
FDR was the last US president that fought for the working class. Every President since Reagan has overseen policies that have weakened the working class and transfered power to the rich. Republicans were far more aggressive about it, but liberals still did it at a slower rate.
yea, like what is currently happening is a “non-violent” coup. They used anger, mass disinformation and propaganda.
Still non violent. As fucked as it is, there has been very little violence. Maybe some crazies at protests. Compare that to other revolutions it’s almost nothing.
I would rather have the violence. Maybe then there would be movement to stop it.
yes but that wouldn’t be civil and would degrade the integrity of the procedures, so, you know, un-american.
Russ voight literally said their coup would be as bloodless as democrats allowed
well, i guess that meant it would be completely bloodless.
‘We can’t overthrow Hitler, because someone worse could come in to take his place.’
No one said that. As the others pointed out, I’m saying have a plan.
The go-to example is the French Revolution. There was no plan for after they eliminated the “bad guys,” and they ended up executing mostly non-rich folk. Saw a stat elsewhere that it may have been as few as 20% of victims were the rich.
Do we really want 80% of the people hurt by a revolution to be the common folk? If that’s what you wanted you might as well stick with the current status quo. You’re getting it.
I’m not going to argue further with you as the others have already done so well enough. I am only saying: have a plan, or things very well could go even worse
We already have plenty of socialist/communist revolution examples to follow.
No, you do not need to strategize before removing the boot from your neck.
That’s not what they said though
Same logic.
No, they just said there needs to be a plan. It’s not the same logic at all.
Ok. I guess evil can be permitted to run rampant while we work out a plan.
Well then, by that logic, let’s just nuke the entire planet today! Argue in good faith please.
This reminded me that I’m still watching some subs through still existing mirrors like undelete so I don’t give reddit views, and I noticed that a big 21k upvoted post on subredditdrama about /r/conservative starting to panic over whether trump even knows what he’s doing was deleted.
All I can imagine for why it was deleted was intervention because of this rule, I couldn’t find a mod post on it, it might have been admin intervention.EDIT: There was a mod post, that it was going to stay up, but then another mod who posts in dogwhistle subs and has a tendency of removing posts from /r/conservative did. It WAS mods this time, but it’s still bad actors pushing a certain outcome.Honestly: leave Reddit to the bots.
Anyone who is still there after all the bullshit, well, I would argue that either they’re oblivious, or some kind of bootlicker, either way, we are probably better off without them.
On an unrelated note, I hope Luigi gets Justice. I mean, he won’t, but… I can hope.
The just outcome for Luigi is to acquit him. He acted in the best interest of the people. He was protecting and serving the people. He’s a better enforcement officer than any LEO I’ve ever met.
Best of all, he wasn’t tasked with doing it. Nobody asked him to, nor did anyone pay him for his efforts. He’s a hero of the people. IMO, his actions, while extreme, are on par with someone who saves a person from a burning car, or picks up a victim and drives them to the hospital so they can get to the care they need more quickly. Luigi just did it on a much broader scale. Here’s this guy that’s preventing people from getting to the care they need. He’s like a bouncer for a hospital. So when an injured patent rolls up and the bouncer says “no” to providing care, it’s reasonable to remove that bouncer by any means necessary to save the people that he’s blocking from getting the care they need.
Yes, he used methods that are unconventional. Yes, he probably shouldn’t have. The outcome is the same. He moved the needle towards good.
While I can sympathize with those that lost their father/brother/husband/son/etc. I can’t sympathize with the man that was removed from blocking critical care to those who needed it, paid for it, and wanted it.
Anyone in charge at any US insurance company: they’re is blood on your hands. Do the right thing, or Luigi won’t be the last martyr to go down for the good of the people.
Let’s not play dumb. Evoking the image of Luigi is in itself a gesture towards violence. That’s the point. Why discuss billionaires and show a picture of Luigi instead of Mary Poppins? Because of what Luigi did and what he represents. It’s implying a desirable solution.
It’s bullshit that Reddit removes this stuff, and it reveals where their loyalties lie, but we’re not on Reddit anymore.
Stop acting like a conservative and just say what you mean.
Or maybe act more like a conservative and obscure your viewpoints more so they don’t get banned. Let’s go Mary Poppins memes.
This is beyond the tipping point where selective enforcement shows it face. If this is crossing the line practically any picture of politician or historical figure is inciting violence.
I, personally, have no problem with violence against rich people.
If they’re not making an honest effort to redistribute their wealth to those who need it, then they are part of a system that enables the most human suffering in history: exacerbating the disparity in wealth.
Agreed. Asking nicely is the only way to get the billionaires to stop.
fuck off, that’s not what I meant. I’m saying stop ACTING like you’re asking nicely.
If you knew about The Haymarket Affair, you would understand what it takes to strip power from robber barons.
I read about it and I’m a little confused. I’m not who you replied to, just a curious lurker. That’s a fascinating and very powerful event so first thank you for sharing, but I couldn’t figure out how it culminates in stripping power from robber barons
So we should use the image of Mary Poppins, but really everyone knows we mean Luigi but can do sweet FA about it? Not a bad idea.
That’s called a dog whistle. Not a new idea.
Why Mary Poppins? Luigi the Nintendo character is right there.
Either it works, or Nintendo starts getting their stuff taken down by Reddit… in which case I wouldn’t want to be in Spez’s shoes.
Luigi is “bad” violence but promoting the violent annexation of Canada is not? Give me a break.
Assuming it doesn’t get removed…
Yeah, it’s disingenuous to claim that they aren’t implicitly supporting what Luigi is alleged to do with this post.
If “Section 230” is repealed by the Maga-Idiots any US social media plattfrom will become liable for what the user’s posts, they will have to do MUCH cleanup.
Any threat. Any wrongful accusation, and harm done to reputation will be OWNED not by the user in question… but the company providing the plattform, as if they are a newspaper and all users are staff writers.
Imagine writing “Dodge only make shitty cars that break all the time” on X, and X is now held accountable by Stellantis for damaging their reputation.
I hope they do it. Plattforms that make billions from free work of the users, should own the liabilities.
it would also un-shield any site from user generated content, making lemmy instance operators liable. all comment boxes on any site would disappear; the dead internet theory would become a reality overnight within the us
Well than don’t operate within the US.
The Maga aßholes want to be hateful on the internet without getting moderated. Without moderation it’s okay that the plattform becomes the publisher and is liable. I’d not be sad for meta/reddit/Twitter to just implode on legal fees… owning the fake news they allow to be distributed…while making money off advertisers…
I was for this when it passed originally but now seeing what these companies have done with it in the intervening years, I think maybe I was giving them too much benefit of the doubt
I think it’s interesting people keep posting things about this particular person when it’s likely to be filtered in all kiinds of media.
Not that I’m advocating for violence, but man, it seems like the people doing this would get their point across a lot more easily by posting pictures of groups of teens.
I’d say letting people realize that even a picture of the guy with no violent messages attached gets removed is a really good way to get a point across.
Everyone worships him and his deeds at the same time you let America turn into a dictatorship and let trump destroy everything. So hypocritical to celebrate him but at the same time sipping coffee watching all your future being destroyed… Luigi, on the other hand, has taken action… what about you and the heads in the sand? Hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites FCK Amerika
Pretty sure he is pissed on the citizen too!
Hopefully more people will take action, but change is slow.
People need to realize what he did was necessary and we need more work like it done. We need more discussions, more alliances, more promotion of fighting back instead of being afraid of it.
Right now, the main fear among those brave heroes plotting to overthrow our oppressors are those being paid by the oppressors to protect the current power structure.
It’s a war. We’ve been conditioned not to see it.
Our insurance is tied to our jobs. If we lose our jobs, we lose any potential for financial stability in the face of illness or injury. If you protest and get hurt, you’re on your own.
It’s a billionaires world, and we’re just living in it.
How? If they get killed. death people cant do anything
Luigi was also aware before he did it that his life would be over. It didn’t stop him from doing the right thing.
I’m not saying that anyone should stop supporting him.
I am saying that if the end goal is to communicate messages of support for the types of things he did, it would likely make more sense to post pictures that couldn’t be easily filtered.
Groups of teens would get a message across(“guillotines”) but would be difficult to filter effectively.
Pictures of one particular character are a lot easier to block.
Filtering systems can effectively block 100% of pictures of Luigi Mangione and of the character Luigi, but if people just posted picture after picture of groups of teenagers, that would be a lot harder to effectively filter.
Text analysis of every single comment etc. Images are irrelevant if the rest reveals the context. Plus for meta data… The profiles that tech companies have of people, including assignment of devices with mac + IP. Very easy, especially with AI, and what a coincidence that everyone is planning such huge data centers just for AI… will of course not be used for censorship or to create ethical groups later at the push of a button… so that ethical cleaning can be tackled really efficiently. ( way more effizient as germany. )
will of course not be used for censorship or to create ethical groups later at the push of a button… so that ethical cleaning can be tackled really efficiently.
Did you mean ethnic, or do you really think there is such a thing as ethical censorship?
I’m just talking about censorship, and I’m talking about ethical cleanup… it will be easy to group people into political thinking religion etc. The Republicans would love to see Democrats dead right now… Making the lists is no longer a job… Hitler would have been happy… So I see the Democrats in America already in mortal danger… All Trump would have to do is claim it would be good for the economy and the Republicans would swallow it.
How is that ethical though? Ethical is synonymous with moral.
I can’t tell if I should assume you mean that or if I should assume you mean ‘ethnic’ like a racial group.
Sarcasm? With Hitler it was also ethical cleaning too… although it was just mass murder… think about that instead.
It’s all hero worship, our civic tradition is (unintentionally?) very heavily based on The Great Man concept, Washington crossed the Potomac, not the people in the army, MLK won the right for civil rights, not the thousands of people working together for decades, etc etc
Luigi will save us (no, it will take all of us)
Well, it will definitely end with WW3 thanks to Trump. He has already given the go-ahead for global rearmament. Although too many still deny it (outside America)… The East has heard the starting signal for his first term and enjoyed the destabilization. The West is still in the process of realizing that… which means it’s already too late, they slept through it. The East is better positioned for war. The one that provided the balance (America) is not ready for war, because one way or another there will be a civil war before the ethical cleansing begins. Also, every democrat should have a weapon for the future to protect themselves.
Trump always blames others for what he himself plans… Well now he blames others for starting ww3… 1+1= trump wants ww3 and to thin America of population.
Patron saint of justice.
I’ve been calling him Patron Saint Luigi lately lol
This is perfect for a non violent easter post 🤩
lol in France we got the same but it’s basically just one guy who owns all the media.
Yesterday I saw clips on TV from us media supporting trump’s stances on Ukraine and stuff like that. Made me quite angry because the way that the presentation of the news was set up was to influence the viewer. Nothing else. It wasn’t to inform, it was to influence.
When it’s about politics on Belgian nationalised TV channel, then it’s always various people who share their points of view and it’s more to inform than to dictate.
MSM in the uss are owned 6-7 trump loving conservatives thats why. last years was nothing but sanewashing trump news, while ignore all the epstein investigation+ we havnt heard from mis GHISLAINE maxwell for like 2 years by then in the news, besides epstein she was the 2nd in command in relation of his operations, she knew everything that was going on, but not a peep from msm about her.
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