So yesterday I received a 7-day ban for ‘encouraging violence’, for saying that Luigi Mangione did not deserve to go to jail. It was obviously bullshit, somebody got a little hair-trigger on the new directive from Der Fuhrer spez or something, so I appealed. That appeal was reviewed and the temp ban lifted and the ‘offending’ comment restored, but 11 hours prior to that I got another message that I had been perma-banned for violating Reddit’s rules with my ‘other account(s)’. Well that’s also bullshit because I’ve had exactly one (1) account in the 14 years I’ve been on reddit, so I appealed that too, and thus we get to the cherry on top: I am no longer banned, I can post and such again, but they sent me the above message saying that my appeal had been denied and that the perma-ban was staying in place. But rather than linger in reddit limbo, I think I’m gonna switch permanently to lemmy. 14 years worth of curating subs will suck to redo, but oh well, life is change.
When Reddit bans or even just temporarily suspends me, I just create a new account right away and jump back in.
I only use Reddit in a Brave private window. If I want to use Reddit on my phone I just use RedReader and never bother logging in. I don’t really feel the need to post when I’m mobile anyway.
Once I’m banned/suspended I open a Firefox window and create a new Outlook account.
Open a new Brave private window and create a new Reddit account with the new email. Log in. But hey, all your subreddits aren’t there from your old account and man, it’s going to be annoying to re-add all those subs, right? Nah. There’s a browser script for that.
In your old Reddit account go to or whatever button you click on in Reddit that shows a list of all your subreddits. At the top of your list of subs is a link titled “multireddit of your subscriptions”. Right click on that link and copy it.
Now go to your new Reddit account and paste that link in the URL field and hit enter and you’ll have a list of all your subs from your old account with the join button next to all of them. You could go down the list clicking join on all of them. I have hundreds, so screw that. I use the script. I won’t paste my script, just go to Google and search for “Reddit sub auto-add script Github”. There’s a few different ones you can try. Essentially, in the window with your new account and all the subs with the join buttons, you are hitting F12 to open the developer console, clicking on the “Console” tab, and then pasting the script and hitting “Enter” to run it. The script is essentially just searching the page for all the “Join” buttons and auto-clicking them.
NOTE: If the script is clicking those join buttons too fast, or if you’ve decided to manually go down the page clicking the join buttons and you’re doing it too fast, Reddit detects that and will block you from Reddit for like 10-15 minutes before you can continue. In any of these scripts you’ll see a number, usually 500. That’s the milliseconds the script waits before clicking on the next join button. 500 used to work. Now you’ll want to change that to like 3000 or 5000 to increase the wait time. 5000 has been working for me.
That’s it though. You can just leave that window with the script open and it’ll go down your list of subs auto-joining them. Before I found that script it was REALLY annoying manually clicking on hundreds of join buttons. Now, steps 1-4 take me less than 5 minutes and then step 5 is automated so I just go do something else. My new accounts aren’t shadowbanned and I’m back on their shitty site nice and quick. Because honestly, I wouldn’t still bother with their site at all if I had to wait for my suspension to end or had to manually rejoin all my subs every time.
Real pro tip, delete that shitty app and use something more feasible.
Welcome, glad to have you aboard!
Thanks, glad to be here!
Your not the only one, I heard others were reddit banned soon after their temp ban ended
I was perma-banned 11 hours before my temp-ban appeal was lifted. Then I was unbanned, but they sent a message saying my ban would stay. I think they’re just falling over themselves in their headlong rush to embrace fascism.
14 years worth of curating subs will suck to redo, but oh well, life is change.
Please feel free to create the communities you find are missing still! Things are smaller and slower here, but that means that even in the popular threads, people will actually see and read your comments rather than them disappearing in an ocean of bots or (DELETED).
If I come across something I can’t find here I will certainly do that.
I’m using Voyager and you can copy the link for all of your subscribed subreddits (if you haven’t deleted your account yet) and enter it into the app. It will search Lemmy for similar communities.
You can appoint other people to mod, but if a community remains without moderation for a significant amount of time, someone else might ask admin to take it over. You can also create “copies” on each individual federated host which allows for competing subs without having to snipe for community names at creation time.
Not perfect but much better than any of the alternatives.
Instead of one central server divided in subreddits, we have dozens/hundreds of “instances” of Lemmy, which are almost all federated with each other. This means that posts, comments,… propagate between all the federated ones, not just the one you’re on. This serves to eliminate the need for one central authority (which can be hacked/bribed/changed/…). The largest instance right now is If you were to create a new community there, it would federate to all other connected servers and people can interact with the content freely. If someone else wanted to start the same community, they would be able to do this, including the same name, if they create it on another origin instance (for example From that point onwards, both communities will be live and be able to “live” next to each other without crossing boundaries or running into any technical issues.
This also means it’s almost impossible to get truly banned on Lemmy since you can simply create a new account on another instance. Since (shadow)banning is being massively misused by Reddit right now, this will eventually be the biggest reason for the growth of Lemmy. Reddit has become a staunchly anti-consumer/anti-user platform where trying to contribute is actively being resisted by power users/mods - and then they want to monetize your contributions through ads as well. No thank you.
Welcome! There are dozens of us
Didn’t I see you at the convention in Munich last year?
Cadby, from the consulate right? This is so weird!
52K / 12 = 4.3K dozens to be exact
Dozens now, hundreds tomorrow, thousands next week.
It was liberating for me. Haven’t gone back.
I haven’t and I won’t. Lemmy is a far more positive atmosphere with less content, but better quality content. There’s less overt manipulation and not everything is politicised. I just don’t trust reddit
Same. Funny all those douches who said we’d be back in a week lol
The slower pace of content is a huge plus to me.
The adjustment can be a little awkward at first but there’s plenty to do on Lemmy if you take some time to learn how things work and how to get the most out of it.
If you’re the type of person that enjoys posting and guiding topics there’s no shortage of people hungry for content on Lemmy. There are lots of active communities but even more that are still trying to get off the ground or need someone interested to adopt them.
Whatever your interests, is a great way to find communities for the topics you care about if you aren’t finding them on
I hope your time here is more enjoyable than where you’re coming from.
Thanks! Honestly it’s been less of an adjustment than I expected. Took a couple hours to read about it and figure out how it works, picked a server, and jumped right in. The big thing is that I’m losing that whole curated sub list that I’m going to have to replicate, but I’m sure it’ll take care of itself.
If you happen to use or try the Voyager app they have a migration tool that is supposed to work well.
Interesting, I’ll take a look at that, thanks!
Should’ve left the shit hole before it booted you, but at least you made it here!
Probably, but 14 years is a whole lot of inertia to overcome.
I was a mod for a 2mill person sub with an account made in 2009 when I left 2 summers ago 😅
Not trying to one up you, honestly I get what you mean. It sounds silly but it does feel like you kind of have this energy and emotion invested in it that’s hard to give up. I’m glad you’re here now!
Unsolicited advice: Try not to fall into the trap of comparing everything to Reddit. Most of the things here are better, some things (few) are worse. You just need to find good communities.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! People are very happy to explain how things work around here in my experience. What’s critical is finding an instance that you like and blocking communities/instances that you don’t. If you browse /all you’ll get what you expect a lot of the time lol
Beehaw and blahaj are pretty great (not everyone agrees with me on blahaj)
Yeah, so far I have no complaints. Honestly I’ve been pretty unhappy with reddit’s design since they disabled new.reddit to use the old-new design. I don’t mind how the new-new design looks, but it’s just functionally worse in practically every way. The notification menu is shit now, my comments don’t get posted half the time so I have to write them in notepad first, etc, collapsing threads is fiddly and inconsistent (sometimes there’s a line on the left I can click, sometimes I just have to click in the empty space by the poster’s name and hope for the best), etc, so I’ve no love lost for Reddit’s shit. I spent about an hour fiddling with UIs and settled on Alexandrite and I’m pretty happy with it. I love that we have options, too, and aren’t just crammed into one shit UI and told to cope.
My only real concern so far has been that there aren’t a lot of active subs in some of the areas I’m interested in. I’ve spent a lot of time the last 5 years or so on subs like r/askaliberal, r/politicaldebate, r/debatereligion, r/debatecommunism, r/anarchism, etc, and I’ve looked around a bit and haven’t really seen any good debate subs for either politics or religion. I’ve no interest in creating one myself and dealing with that headache tho, so. shrug
As for instance, I just joined since it seemed large and official, but then, yeah, I’ve been browsing /all and having to block sub after sub that I’m not interested in to clean my feed up. Not sure if there’s a better way to go about that.
Honestly it’s as good a way as any
My main concern is that Luigi isn’t even confirmed to be the one to have pulled the trigger, right?
But even if he was, I still don’t think he should go to jail for it.
Luigi didn’t do it but if he did do it, Brian Thompson deserved it!
Nah, he didn’t do it, but someone definitely should’ve. Not Luigi tho, he was chillin’ at my house that whole week.
Curating subs? I see it as more of “creating my own bubble”. Lemmy is a good way to kinda expose myself to other stuff for a change and not just the reddit hive mind.
I mean, how many times have you opened a post and knew what the top 3 comments would be??
I’ve seen one person respond to something here with simply “this is the way,” and the flashbacks were real
Getting annoyed just reading that in quote form. The obsession with “I think you should leave” is getting too much too. I love that show and they’re making me like it less by constantly referencing it.
Seriously the stupid rehashing of old top comments. Posted by bots. Who are commenting on a repost posted by a bot.
Fuck me. It’s never a recycling of Reddit specific lore or history or inside jokes. Just the lowest hanging fruit. Over and over and over.
It’s like being forced to sit through a sitcom where the actors are all robots and there’s no live audience or laugh track.
Weeeelllll… technically there are a couple of Lemmy cliches, but you make a good point. Canned bot responses to farm karma are certainly awful, with the only human exception being “look up en passant” because that was intentional predicability.
Did you also get troll reported to that automated help response for people that may be contemplating self harm?
That was always a good time. Man, I miss Reddit so much…
Oh not in this instance, but I definitely have before.
Now that you’re unbanned, consider using a tool to edit all of your comments to gibberish to remove your value from reddit. I’ve seen it a lot, it’s easy to do, and it works.
Doesn’t really work, Reddit has your posts and comments archived and if they’re selling access they’ll likely be including that. All it does is inconvenience everyday human users.
Reddit has access to your edit history, it only works for as long as they don’t see a need to restore it. And it probably doesn’t work at all in regards to preventing ai training.
I personally have found search results that would have been useful or able to solve my problem if they hadn’t had this done to them. It has pushed me to search far less, so I know it works. The fewer people visiting reddit the better.
I definitely don’t want to provide reddit with any more value, but many of my posts and comments were informative or had a good way to explain something or the like, and I still get random replies and mail years later on some of them. This (in general, not on reddit in specific) i feel is my contribution to society, so shitting on that just to very slightly inconvenience reddit feels counterproductive. I don’t receive any direct benefit from it (and upon leaving reddit I won’t even get the indirect benefit of people telling me how helpful I was), but I am content to know that maybe I’ve helped a few people.
I still get random replies and mail years later on some of them.
I still get random replies on the stuff I turned to gibberish. Though looking at my old u/, a lot of the most upvoted ones were straight up nuked. Which wasn’t the case last time I checked.
bring your subs, bring your friends!
Welcome to the Lemmy BDSM convention!
A fresh new start can do wonders. Reddit is freaking fever dream in every direction.
Every long term reddit bans and/or alienates and comes to lemmy, benefits us all. Welcome!
Reddit is doing that Microsoft strategy for Linux
Welcome soldier!