Which city? BE is Berlin?
Berlin today. Source https://x.com/DropSiteNews/status/1898481083424890942
Authorities have banned Arabic chants and speeches at demonstrations
Has anyone taken this to court yet? Surely it would be unconstitutional?
You’re underestimating how much freedom of speech is repressed in Germany when it comes to speech that critizises Israel.
Anyone care too explain why Germany is so pro-Israel?
It’s a way to launder Germany’s reputation after the holocaust while also profiting from the settler-colonialist project of Israel.
it’s a signal that if they wanna protest for Palestine, they can do it in their homeland but not in EU
Seriously, why ruin International Woman’s Day by mixing it with Palestine conflict 🫤
Nothing says “pro women” like dictating what they can or cannot say on women’s day.
Also its racist to think these are just immigrants and not european citizens.
Because the EU and especially Germany is mass murdering and oppressing women in Palestine.
Liberals barging in here like the shining beacon of racism they are is truly disgusting. But examplary of its ideology. “Equality for all who are white.”
You high or something? You realize that it’s Women’s Day right?
You realize almost 50% of those killed in Palestine are women right?
Cool. So let’s make Women’s Day all about the Gaza war then.
You don’t care about Women’s Day. You don’t care one bit. You’re just taking every opportunity to post your agenda. 70% of posts on this sub are about Palestinian support. Give me a break.
You don’t care about Women. You don’t care one bit.
Right. How many posts on your profile are about Women? One. And that happens to be this one. Besides this one I can see dozents of posts about Israel and Palestinians. You’re making it VERY clear.
It also happens to be the one where you go out on a limp to downplay the suffering of 1 million women being massacared by German weapons.
I don’t know why are you shifting the topic on something else, but the conflict in Palestine was there since ages and now you’re all looking to point some fingers at someone ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Germany is providing 30% of the weapons for the genocide in Palestine, being heavily complicit in the mass murder of women and girls.
The only person doing topic shifting is you by proclaiming you do not only lack morals but also historical knowledge.
I’m sorry, I want to be peace everywhere around the globe but greed gets into humans and this why we’re here 😔
Then you should support people protesting against the German government, which is spreading corruption against women around the globe.
Flying flags of an Arab country on a day dedicated to women’s rights is insulting.
Western countries complicit in genocide on Arab women, daring to open their mouths about women’s rights as an authority is insolent.
I’m not part of a western government, I’m part of a western society that sees women as more than birthing and child rearing machines
Unless they are brown, then you are fine with literal genocide on women apparently.
you’re so full of shit that it’s funny. Germany’s abortion laws are more conservative and religiously fundamentalist than even Turkey which is ruled by Islamic nationalists
We will maybe break up with usa but never with israel. Fucking shameful what germany of all places is endorsing.
As a state, it’s easier to support Israel than to actually take some fucking responsibility.
are those flags for women’s rights movement?
No, very much the opposite.
The civilized Western world is ramming some sense into these crazy women holding Palestinian flags where the most women are killed worldwide by the West.
Truly this is peak civilization.
I can only imagine the comments if this was Iran instead of Germany.
Should women be allowed to speak up about something they care about on women’s day? Thats the real discussion
Those are Palestinian flags, buddy.
Indeed. Palestinian women are the most oppressed women in the world. They are being oppressed by the Western hegemony and Israel.
… on top of being oppressed by Islamists
No Israel is the only party mass murdering and starving Palestinian women.
Your imaginary racism has nothing to do with real oppression.
Then maybe we should just genocide Israel as well. So we can rid us of both scourges
The only scourge is Israel but if your answer to any question contains the term genocide you are far removed from feminism.
I wanted to make a funny joke, but honestly this is just fucking disrespecful. I am sure you know 100% how women in gaza are treated. To not aknowledge this, ESPECIALLY when you’re using women’s rights as a bait in your title is just utterly disrespectful.
It is disrespectful to all the women suffering and it is underminig and deminishing the women’s rights movement.
Though maybe that’s what you want, the way you defend (deliberately not talk about) islamists mistreating women.
When your racism surpasses literal genocide.
- If you think respecting women has anything to do with race, maybe yoi’re the racist one
- By calling everything you don’t like “racism”, you weaken the term. The next time I see you call someone a “racist” I will think they’re actually a feminist like me. If ebough people do this enough times, the term “racism” will lose all its meaning and its bad chonotation
More than 13.000 women mass murdered, many more injured, around a million women and girls actively starved and psychologically tortured.
Worlds most oppressed are oppressed by Secularism and Liberalism. Not “islamism”.
If you knew anything about Gaza except racism, you would know women in Gaza are not even obliged to wear headscarves and one of the Emmy winning journalists from Gaza (Wizard Bisan) does not.
Well, someone wasn’t at a protest today. /s
No those are palestinian flags
“Ah shit this is the wrong spot! The Palestine meetup is over there!”
Perfect optics. Exactly the outcome the protesters were looking for.
Were they actually breaking any law or did the government just decide it wanted to give them a beating?
I don’t know the context of the video.
But yes, covering your face on a demonstration is illegal and can lead to up to 1 year in jail.
Up to 1 year in jail and 20 punches to the face apparently…
How are you going to build a fascist database of enemies if the protestors cover their face?
Pretty sure nowadays in germany the palestanian flag basically counts as promoting a terrorist organization. So yeah they broke the law but the law is bullshit and still shouldnt allow the officers to exert physical violence.
You can fly the Palestinian flag just in Germany. Some slogans are typically illegal at protests like „from the river to the sea“ and a bunch of other stuff. Every protest gets its own extra rules, if deemed necessary. For example chants in Arabic might be forbidden because of incitement or hate speech in Arabic at related previous protests.
The German state is incredibly repressive against solidarity for Palestine.
Is it? We had many peaceful demonstrations.
When it got problematic was when people on demonstrations shoutet that they wanted a kalifat (don’t know how to write the word) and “from the river …”, because Hamas and other people interpret it differently.
It’s not only happening on protests. People get exmatriculated or their visas revoked if they go to the wrong protest camp or post the wrong things on facebook. You can also get your citizenship denied if you have the wrong opinions on Iserael, since the IHRA is official stance of the state.
I think, this is a quite biased (at least not accurate) representation of what is happening.
You can probably find single examples of all of that above, e.g. for exmatriculation, but when you dig deeper, there are probably hurdles for that:
Konkret soll exmatrikuliert werden können, wer Gewalt anwendet oder dazu auffordert, wer wegen einer Straftat „zulasten eines Mitglieds der Hochschule“ rechtskräftig verurteilt wurde, oder wer Einrichtungen der Hochschule zu strafbaren Handlungen „nutzt oder zu nutzen versucht“
You can also get your citizenship denied if you have the wrong opinions on Iserael, since the IHRA is official stance of the state.
This “stance of the state” thing is not law. There were for sure public discussions about denying citizenship for people who oppose democracy or the right of Israel to exist. But let me be honest: If someone opposes democracy or freedom or thinks that Israel or any other country should be fully destroyed, I don’t need such a person in my country. But if your opinion is that Netanyahu is an a-hole and that his far-right government buddies only want more war and death, no one will do anything with your citizenship because of that.
You can probably find single examples of all of that above
Here’s an interview of a student about how the state tries to break the protests.
Exmatriculation might be quite rare. But the Staatsschutz telling the BAMF to revoke visas, based on Facebook posts most certainly is not. It’s just not the kind of things you’re gonna read in the SZ, or Welt.
This “stance of the state” thing is not law.
Yes, because the German constitutional court wouldn’t allow that kind of law. It is however a soft-power tool to shape political discourse in favour of Netanyahu.
There were for sure public discussions about denying citizenship for people who oppose democracy or the right of Israel to exist.
I findeyour faith in the organs of the state a bit naive.You can check out yourself how these decisions not to grant citizenship are carried out. If you ask me: most of the questions the judge uses to determine whether or not someone is “opposing democracy” wouldn’t get a correct answer from most Germans.
No those are government and media lies to justify the violence. Germany supplies 30% of the weapons for the genocide in Palestine. They are next to the US the most repressive country.
German police have beaten up protesters holding Palestinian flags without any cause. Many examples have been posted in this community. Example from 4 months ago https://lemmy.world/post/21657306 (Direct link to the video: https://imgur.com/SWM4K8H)
I can show you dozens of videos of climate protesters being beaten up by the police and/or other people. Just cut out a few seconds and it fits your narrative… What does this tell us? That the police doen’t belive in climate change? No. It tells you that there is a police problem like in pretty much any other country.
BTW: Is there an oppression ranking for Palestinians or are there accusations that Germany is rank 2 just a guess?
You are not missing context and there is no excuse to be made for that pig kicking a woman who has already been violently apprehended.
Holy cow. Have I written that it’s OK to hurt someone? No.
I just think, it’s wrong to act like Germany is some kind of dictatorship that systematically discriminates Palestinians. Furthermore, it’s absolutely possible to have a normal protest for people from Gaza or against Netanyahu in our country. But if you and others really want to use that video as proof that there is systematic discrimination, I just don’t think, that that’s true at all.
I just think, it’s wrong to act like Germany is some kind of dictatorship that systematically discriminates Palestinians.
Are we in the same post right now? Click the video above again.
After that watch the German foreign minister say Israel is allowed to kill Palestinian civilians
You are not missing context
It went through the main media by the way: https://www.rbb24.de/politik/beitrag/2025/03/demonstrationen-palaestina-frauentag-berlin-kreuzberg-video-gewalt-polizei.html
Der Auslöser der gewaltsamen Szene fehlt im rund eine Minute langen Videoausschnitt, die Auseinandersetzung ist bereits im vollen Gange. Wie die Polizei am Sonntag mitteilte, griffen Teilnehmer:innen während der Demonstration die Einsatzkräfte wiederholt an.
Bereits kurz nach Beginn der Versammlung mit dem Titel “Internationaler feministischer Kampftag” seien israelfeindliche Sprechchöre angestimmt sowie strafbare und eindeutig polizeifendliche Parolen gerufen worden, teilte die Polizei mit. Die Einsätzkräfte hätten immer wieder tatverdächtige Personen festgenommen, daraufhin sei es zu versuchten Gefangenenbefreiungen und tätlichen Angriffen gekommen. “Die Polizeieinsatzkräfte wurden teilweise mit gezielten Faustschlägen, Tritten und Flaschenwürfen angegriffen und wendeten daraufhin wiederholt körperlichen Zwang an und setzten Reizstoffsprühgeräte gegen die Teilnehmenden ein”, hieß es am Sonntag.
Bei einem Vorfall hatten Demonstrationsteilnehmende laut Polizei versucht, die Festnahme zweier Frauen zu verhindern, die mehrfach strafbare Parolen gerufen haben sollen. Die Polizei habe die Frauen daraufhin nach Absprache in eine Feuerwache in der Wiener Straße gebracht. Mehr als 100 Personen hätten versucht, in Richtung der Feuerwache zu gelangen und hätten die Einsatzkräfte “massiv körperlich bedrängt”. Die Polizeibeamten hätten daraufhin “Zwangsmaßnahmen in Form von Schieben und Drücken” angewendet “sowie selektiv gezielte Faustschläge, Tritte und Pfefferspray” eingesetzt.
Insgesamt nahm die Polizei bei den Versammlungen am Samstag 12 Männer und 16 Frauen vorübergehend fest. Zudem wurden 33 Strafermittlungsverfahren unter anderem wegen besonders schweren Landfriedensbruchs, Gefangenenbefreiung, tätlichen Angriffs, Widerstands gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte und Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen eingeleitet. Sieben Polizeibeamte seien verletzt worden, alle hätten im Dienst bleiben können.
I think, that kind of context is important, don’t you? Cutting out stuff to fit a narrative is an instrument of populism.
Still doesn’t make the police in the video look good, but something has obviously happened before and that something is not visible in that video. That’s what I mean with “context”…
Yes yes, sure sure. As usual. Pro Palestine protesters were "violent* and there were no false flags or instigations. We have seen this one at many American universities.
The cops were clearly “defending themselves” against all those dangerous women by wildly flailing on their heads.
German mainstream media said so, it would never lie.
Tells me your brainwashed. You know the internet is free right, there’s a boy younger than 10 being chased by 2 or 3 police men for having a Palestinian flag while he runs for his life and then is beaten. This “kalifat” bs you’re talking about is just straight up lies
Do you have a source for that?
Zero context of course for the reason they went after him. Children can do crimes as well.
Where are the parents?
You will find anything on the WWW, if you just look for it. Whether it’s a person with a rainbow flag, a woman, or a person of any religion getting beaten up. Just open Twitter and there you go…
What do you mean bs? It was a video in which people demanded a kalifat for Palestine and the others wanted one in Germany. I do not say that everyone thinks like this. I have only described what was the situation here, what went through the media and press and that that was interpreted as a no-go here in Germany.
I’m pretty sure that the people “demanding a Kalifat” won’t be demonstrating on a women’s march. O.o
Maybe, you misunderstood my comment:
Is it? We had many peaceful demonstrations. When it got problematic was when people on demonstrations shoutet that they wanted a kalifat (don’t know how to write the word) and “from the river …”, because Hamas and other people interpret it differently.
I did not state that the kalifat shouts happened during the protest you saw in that video. That was months ago. And it was not a protest for women at all. The participants were even separated by gender, if I remember correctly.
But I’m not arguing for obvious islamists. I’m arguing that every Palestinian protest (even those on women’s march) are suspicious for the German state.
Very fake as most of the pro-palestinian propaganda here and in other websites.
Being in favor of having a Palestinian state implies that:
- no Hamas or any terrorist organization can be in power
- stop teaching children to hate Jews (very common in Muslim countries by the way)
- stop repressing liberal movement (“we want to live” movement for example, weird that nobody talked about it uh?)
Israel needs to stop the hostilities but it is absurd that “pro-palestinian” are more and more blind and justify easily the atrocities that the radical Muslims do to their own people. Why do people not have critical thinking?
This is not a war to obtain the legal status of the State and being recognized by Israel, the place was owned and managed by Egypt, the same that has tunnels connected to Palestine, the same that did not accept any refugees, the same countries around Palestine that did not accept them, even Lebanon where Hezbollah is. This is a war that a terrorist group decided to do because of foreign investments from Muslims that are ideologically against any Jew to be alive, this is why they repressed all the protestors in Palestine ALL THE TIME.
Do you want to criticize Israel for their behavior? Be my guest, I agree and I am totally against any cruelty or anything that resembles oppression but if you think Hamas or any of them do it for freedom you have absolutely no idea what you are saying and you are naive.
Mohammad Tawhidi, Mosab Hassan Yousef and hundred of people said exactly this but westerns think they know Islam better than an Imam in Dubai or Saudi Arabia that says exactly how dangerous they are.
No one has mentioned solidarity for Hamas. You’re the one who brought it up.
The above guy must be on some payroll. He appears in all of the posts defending genocide by Israel.
Israel needs to stop the hostilities
Call it by what it really is, genocide. Radical islam is empowered by genocidal maniacs that go and destroy people’s families and livelihoods.
Lol you’re a fucking joke, try harder hasbara
Maybe a hot take but if you are breaking the law, you should still not receive a beating.
Before police attacks a crowd like that, they give a warning to stop whatever illegal activity the protesters are doing.
Agreed otherwise. Force should only be used if absolutely necessary.
“They are being investigated for particularly serious breach of the peace, liberation of prisoners, resisting law enforcement officers and using symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations.”[…]
“Seven officers were injured, but were able to continue their duties. Journalists were also attacked. 28 people were reportedly arrested.” […] “Participants also used umbrellas to block the view of a pro-Palestinian block. Some police officers were attacked with bottles, kicks and punches. Officers then “repeatedly used physical force”, it was reported.”
Yea, gonna need a source on this one. Not buying it otherwise
I really appreciate the link to a story on this because I hate out of context video. But I really wish they had used a different outlet like Mastodon or Bluesky, I hate giving any traffic to Xwitter.
Are you being malicious or just stupid?
for real, who watches this video and thinks “nah, riot police would never do that - I demand a source” 🤦♀️
EDIT: reading TingoTenga’s comment history, I wonder if they were intending to be sarcastic or humorous? Or maybe they are just responding to the title of the post and not the video?
With how pervasive AI generated video is now, you can’t imagine doubting the veracity of this vid?
even if AI generated videos are increasingly common, there was nothing about this video that required suspension of disbelief or made me think it might be fake
Even when a source is consistent with your world views, I can respect some healthy skepticism and desire for context. Otherwise your world views may be exploitable somehow.
skepticism is likewise exploitable, and useful for ignoring evidence - the fact that the video does not seem to be produced by AI is not a conclusion reached from a world view or bias, but unwillingness to believe it’s real might be
It would be different if people started floating away or growing extra arms, it’s not hard to find real footage of cops being assholes
Germany was wrong the first time and here we are they are wrong again lol
Loving the irony of that fully armored Nazi police fuck pushing and punching an unarmed old woman on her face, front-and-center of this video.
Those cops punch like I do in my dreams. Throwin hay makers and not landing a single shot. Pathetic
That’s on purpose. The protestors made a human chain and the cops are trying to break it up. The punches are aimed so it encourages to let go of the neighbor.
They are not using the batons they also carry with them.
ACAB forever.
I did Nazi that coming.
I don’t what it is about opposing the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine that brings out the worst in Western governments and security apparatuses
Zionist money.
Auf Bullenschweine wirft man Steine
Dann dürfen die ja auch zuschlagen oder?
Hast du das Video gesehen? Wer so agiert verdient Steine in die Visage.
Und wer Steine schmeißt hats auch verdient zu geschlagen zu werden.
I would like to provide some context to this video. It was filmed in Berlin, at an Pro-Palestine / anti-Israel demonstration.
Multiple journalists have been attacked during the demonstration. Levi Salomon, a journalist active in the JFDA e.V (Jewish Forum for Democracy and against Antisemitism) has been attacked by a woman who poured hot tea over him. Multiple policemen attempted to arrest this woman, but she was protected by other demonstrants. This video has been filmed directly after this incident. It shows heavy police violence that cannot be apologized, however I find this context very important.
According to the German Journalist Union (duj), more than 100 attacks on journalists during pro-palestine demonstrations have been reported in 2024. There are also police investigations running about an “enemy list” with journalists names and their private addresses.
You can read this source here, unfortunately it is in German.
I gave my best to report this in a neutral way, but if you are angry, you can of course down vote.
You are linking a right wing Zionist paper as a source which is famous for making stuff up.
This is not context this is just misinformation. Your alleged context also makes no sense with the video as the cops are mashing in skulls instead of trying to break through.
It is indeed a more conservative / center-right newspaper. That doesn’t mean it is wrong. The German media landscape is much diverser and more free than what you are used to in the US.
Here is another source from a more liberal newspaper.
But let’s be honest here, you are angry and do not care about information outside your bubble. That’s okay, downvote and move on.
Zionists infiltrating pro Palestine demonstrationts make up fake stories of antisemitism is such a classic trope by now that I am amazed anyone still buys them.
Once again your story fails to explain the video in any logical way. The police is acting like football hooligans. Or actually a better term: Nazis. And somehow we have a sympathizer coming in with claims the peaceful protesters were the violent ones.
Consider watching the video again.