Man I never look that good in mugshots
She kinda looks like Kate Winslet. Do you?
I was thinking more Jennifer Garner
No :(
Step 1: be attractive
Step 2: Don’t be unattractive
Step 3: See Step 1
Step 2: get arrested for doing something noble, not being a drunk dumbass
I actually look better. But the film keeps catching fire! Pro Tip: Commit hotter (and cooler) crimes…
83 years old and still kicking ass! But retired ass these days.
Damn she’s fine for eighty-three.
I hope I have a body like that when I’m her age and I’m a dude.
I’ve seen too many pictures of victims of the Nazi regime; my immediate association was concentration camp prisoner.
It’s the same picture.
Whoah, slow down there. Segregation and Holocaust are on a different level.
It’s just various stages of the same path.
No, no they aren’t. Anyone who has been to Auschwitz and seen the various “rooms of common items from victims” like the room of glasses or the 40m3 cube filled with shoes knows the difference.
Holocaust was industrialized slaughter. The closest the US came to it was the genocides of Native Americans. And that was 90 years, not 4.
The Nazis literally took Jim Crow as inspiration for the laws they made that eventually took millions down the path to the death camps.