Some woman I never met told me point blank at the gym that I should pray more. After staring at her in disbelief for ten solid seconds, she told me I had a disability because I had sinned. Obviously.
So I asked her why I should pray a God that disabled me: she told me God loved me and had a plan for me. Tough love I guess. But hey, if there’s a plan…
Then I asked her if my limbs would grow back if I prayed enough: no she said, but it’s not too late to let Jesus into my life.
Well that made total sense. I’m off to church then…
If you (ExtremeDullard) are an amputee then I have some bad news for you.
God hates you.
Think about it: god made the deaf hear, the blind see, the mute speak, the lame walk, the possessed clean, cured leprosy, made prostitutes saints and raised the dead.
But not one single amputee in the history of humanity has ever regrown a limb.
Ergo, god hates amputees.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
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