Meh, I think it’s pretty straight forward. It’s just a description of the scenario.
Mario games are first party content, because they’re made by the same company that makes the console. This says nothing positive or negative about the game, just who developed it.
I’ve used printers that don’t have cartridges, instead they just have ink wells you can fill with any ink. You do have more freedom with ink choices, but they’re a different kind of hassle. It’s not simply a better solution.
(Speaking of solutions, sometimes the ink you buy is more of a suspension than a solution, and it’ll clump up and dry in the feed hoses, a real pain in the ass.)
I get what you’re saying but agree with the other guy. Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior. Just because you’re intelligent enough to know that’s not true doesn’t mean everyone is. If recent history has taught me anything, it’s that the average person is far less intelligent than you’d assume.
Would you rather call it “official” or “certified” or “genuine” toner cartridges? Because that sounds worse to me.
I mean, they really do need some way to differentiate their product from others. Because they do guarantee that their cartridge works with their printer (and customers would hold them accountable if they did not). They really can’t guarantee that with any others. (simply because they didn’t design the others, haven’t tested them, and have no power to change them if there was a problem. All of which is perfectly reasonable)
This is the kind of stupidity that has us reinventing language constantly. Words mean what they mean. To hell with how they make you feel. BLACKLIST WHITELIST 😲 The horror!
feelings are important, though? if i can avoid hurting someone and all it costs me is saying blocklist instead of blacklist, that seems like an obvious slam dunk
Your feelings are yours to manage. You say why hurt someone when you can avoid it. I say why get hurt in the first place? Everyone has feelings about everything. No feeling is any more valid than any other feeling.
so you think other people should take responsibility for something they can’t control, but you should have no responsibility for something you can control?
you can’t stop yourself from feeling sad, but you can stop yourself from doing something that makes someone else sad
having no concern for the feelings of others is just really irrational and selfish imo
Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.
Here, let’s look at it this way.
I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.
I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.
Anyone can feel bad about anything.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.
you’re adding way too much into this. who said that someone would guilt you? normally when you make someone sad they don’t say anything about it, they just feel a bit worse and continue with their lives
i’m just explaining to you, there’s no way to rationalize your way out of this. you are in complete control over what you say, unless you have verbal tics. and people will understand if you accidentally say something offensive from a tic. do you not understand this? it’s just about responsibility.
take some responsibility for what you say. that’s all.
Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior.
No, it doesn’t. Saying third party just means not manufactured by first party, first party being printer manufacturer.
Would you not buy Baldurs Gate 3 cause it’s a third party game? Would you not buy Call of Duty because it’s a third party game? Do you pay more for gas at ExxonMobil, because Costco sells third party gas for cheaper?
You buy third party all the time. Saying third party sounds bad is just stupid.
“Third party ink” existing as a phrase is the problem.
Meh, I think it’s pretty straight forward. It’s just a description of the scenario.
Mario games are first party content, because they’re made by the same company that makes the console. This says nothing positive or negative about the game, just who developed it.
I’ve used printers that don’t have cartridges, instead they just have ink wells you can fill with any ink. You do have more freedom with ink choices, but they’re a different kind of hassle. It’s not simply a better solution.
(Speaking of solutions, sometimes the ink you buy is more of a suspension than a solution, and it’ll clump up and dry in the feed hoses, a real pain in the ass.)
I get what you’re saying but agree with the other guy. Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior. Just because you’re intelligent enough to know that’s not true doesn’t mean everyone is. If recent history has taught me anything, it’s that the average person is far less intelligent than you’d assume.
Would you rather call it “official” or “certified” or “genuine” toner cartridges? Because that sounds worse to me.
I mean, they really do need some way to differentiate their product from others. Because they do guarantee that their cartridge works with their printer (and customers would hold them accountable if they did not). They really can’t guarantee that with any others. (simply because they didn’t design the others, haven’t tested them, and have no power to change them if there was a problem. All of which is perfectly reasonable)
This is the kind of stupidity that has us reinventing language constantly. Words mean what they mean. To hell with how they make you feel. BLACKLIST WHITELIST 😲 The horror!
feelings are important, though? if i can avoid hurting someone and all it costs me is saying blocklist instead of blacklist, that seems like an obvious slam dunk
Your feelings are yours to manage. You say why hurt someone when you can avoid it. I say why get hurt in the first place? Everyone has feelings about everything. No feeling is any more valid than any other feeling.
so you think other people should take responsibility for something they can’t control, but you should have no responsibility for something you can control?
you can’t stop yourself from feeling sad, but you can stop yourself from doing something that makes someone else sad
having no concern for the feelings of others is just really irrational and selfish imo
Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.
Here, let’s look at it this way.
I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.
I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.
Anyone can feel bad about anything.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.
you’re adding way too much into this. who said that someone would guilt you? normally when you make someone sad they don’t say anything about it, they just feel a bit worse and continue with their lives
i’m just explaining to you, there’s no way to rationalize your way out of this. you are in complete control over what you say, unless you have verbal tics. and people will understand if you accidentally say something offensive from a tic. do you not understand this? it’s just about responsibility.
take some responsibility for what you say. that’s all.
No, it doesn’t. Saying third party just means not manufactured by first party, first party being printer manufacturer.
Would you not buy Baldurs Gate 3 cause it’s a third party game? Would you not buy Call of Duty because it’s a third party game? Do you pay more for gas at ExxonMobil, because Costco sells third party gas for cheaper?
You buy third party all the time. Saying third party sounds bad is just stupid.