For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don’t want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That’s ludicrous!
That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”
The reverse toilet paper thing is useful when you have pet that’s like to mess with it.
But either way is ok for me, I guess.
I mean, I couldn’t care fewer about it.
I know this is unpopular. Have had several long winded discussions on this with friends and folks alike. “All religions are cults”, doesn’t matter the person is alive, dead or imaginary, you’re just following a charismatic leader(s).
Canon is important to science fiction and comic book adaptations because the rules of those universes operate so wildly different from our own that it is important to put more work in keeping things consistent.
A pet peeve of mine is when a work of fiction either breaks its own rules or real physics in a way that isn’t justified.
I’ve had people go “what do you mean X is unrealistic? It has magic flying creatures of course it’s unrealistic!”
A fiction should still follow its own rules, and should follow real physics to the extent it borrows from it! Anything else is just lazy.
I mean to paraphrase Brenan Lee Mulligan: “if you have magic that can teleport things instantly, giving the task of delivering letters to Earth’s slowest bird is animal cruelty.”
But the question becomes: Who dictates the canon?
The original creator or the IP rights owner?
Gene Rodenberry’s Andromeda would have been amazing if they hadn’t fired the first season writer and remade the show for syndication.
He posted a ‘It’s not canon but if I were still an employee it would be’ post and it was amazing and so much better than all the seasons that came after.
So in my mind, the original creator’s vision was the true vision and the bastardization of corporate greed that resulted is an abomination and all involved should be whipped.
By that logic most of Star Trek isn’t canon. Lemmy would be in shambles!
So then let us agree that some rights holders take better care of their IP than others. Earth Final Conflict is another example of this terrible trend.
A simple one I think, I refuse to call twitter by other names.
It’s the only way that makes sense to parse. Imagine if literally anything else worked with the minor amounts first.
This thing costs 25 cents and 3,000 dollars
The time is currently 45:9.
This program is v11.7.9 and the next release is v0.8.9
I don’t like “mixed number” format, like 1/4 and 648,3. I’d much rather say “five hundredths, two tenths, six ones, four tens, 8 hundreds and 3 thousand”
I guess a lot less recipes would get overseasoned though.
What you’re saying makes s lot of sense, but how do you speak dates?
When did you start working your current job? It was in 2022, Aprill 11th
What’s your anniversary date? We were married on 2012, September the 9th.
People don’t talk that way, which is how writing them down got to be the MMDDYYYY format in the first place. Technically, it was MMDDYY exclusively until mid 1999.
If it were supposed to be pronounced “jif” it would have been spelled that way, I don’t give two fucks what Stephen Wilhite said about it either.
The medical symbol of the staff with the snake is only supposed to have 1 (one) snake on it. A staff with 1 snake is the Rod of Asclepius (the son of Apollo and Greek demigod of medicine), a staff with 2 snakes is a Caduceus which is carried by Hermes as a messenger or herald.
Physicians get 1 snake. Couriers and heralds get 2 snakes. Any medical professional or organization that uses 2 snakes is wrong and needs to go study the humanities and classics for a bit.
It’s concrete, not cement. (Sidewalks for example, or foundations of buildings, etc)
Cement is an ingredient in concrete.
I think fewer of people when they misuse words. Their not that hard too tail a part.
Things happen by accident or on purpose. No one over the age of 3 should be using “on accident”.
its “I could not care less” and not “I could care less”. This one drives me nuts
i don’t record or watch vertical videos
The “is a hot dog a sandwich” and similar discussions are solved with the mighty sword of language and not some rigid taxonomy about fillings and bread.
Imagine a set of food items on a table, hot dog amongst them, but not other pseudo-sandwiches. I ask you to “Please pass me that sandwich.” If there is but a moment’s pause in your mind before you reach for the hot dog, even if it’s as you surmise I must be speaking about the hot dog as there are no other sandwich-like items available, then it is not a sandwich.
Psycholinguisitics understands this effect. The “wrong” word is increasing cognitive load and slowing down the listener’s comprehension. The exact same thing happens when pronoun use is unclear and a person has to parse the most likely referent from context.
Language, especially English, is not computer code but leveraging the existing “libraries” of meaning and declaring variables carefully is usually very useful.