No, I have no idea why my kids are all into Rock and Roll, Rap and Electronic music now. Damn kids these days.
Am I crazy or are the comments in this thread all about different ages? Well, I’ll defend the existence of children’s music.
Children’s music is great for teaching young children (under the age of 2) the basics of music. A clear melody (often in C major), simple rhythm, some basic song structure, rhyming lyrics, and lots and lots of repetition gets children listening and singing at an age before they can form coherent sentences. These are skills they learn to encourage not just later composition and performance of music, but also basic human functions like speaking and listening.
They’re doing it with their books, their TV shows, and their games, too. Developmentally appropriate material is important for learning that category of art or culture, and provides a basis to build on after that.
My heart was about to burst with pride when my kids asked to add Meshuggah to their playlist.
my sister used to make me put on death metal on youtube but scroll down away from the cover art because it scared her. she was like 5 😂
My son’s favorite song when he was 5 was Walk by Pantera
Apparently I had the down with the sickness “oh-WA-A-A-A” down before age 3
My 6 year old says Wu Tang is for the children anytime their music comes on lmao
My kids have an amazingly eclectic taste in music because (I’m convinced anyways) we never did the kid music thing.
It’ll make them better adjusted. Playing music specifically for children shelters them and is going to make them alienated from their average peer.
You just also have to teach them that in school (and later professional/work contexts) they keep their words clean for the puritans that walk amongst them.
Bluey soundtrack pretty great
Bluey in general goes hard af
Bluey in general is pretty great. I wish that kids TV had been this enjoyable the last time I spent time around a child
Edit: the above is a lie, because whilst it may be for an older age bracket than Bluey, I wouldn’t have watched Phineas & Ferb if not for my significantly younger-than-me brother, and that was pretty fun
Does Babymetal count as music for the babies?
It does in my car
I could put on an Aerosmith record before I knew how to put my Disney VHS tapes in the VCR, of course then my older cousin brought over her Master of Puppets album and I fell in love with thrash. As she still likes to remind me, “I turned you into a metal head before you were out of diapers”. I still love the classics too BTW.
Well my 3 year old always asks for Kraftwerk and my 5 year old likes the pumpkins (not my first choice billys voice sounds like a mentally handicapped kitten being drowned in engine oil).
That comparison sounds a little unfair to the kitten.
Your parents played kid music? Mine played The Pogues. Which I suppose isn’t exactly inappropriate for children.
Getting told Linkin Park is old people music feels worse
Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
Keep rollin rollin rollin
I bop to Kidz Bop.
Only time I had “kid” music must have been when I was, like, a toddler. Because I don’t remember a single time getting in my mom’s car without Boyz II Men or something playing. I didn’t even get to suggest music to play until I was in college 😅