Get out those measuring tapes…how big is it?

Your book collection.

I thought this was a fun/silly thing to chat about and wanted to share it here.

I use the My Library app on Android to catalog my personal collection (less than 800 books but growing)

Do you ever ‘weed’ your collection? What’s your ratio of print to ebooks? Do you collect in certain subject area(s)? From where do you acquire? (used bookstores, online, new bookstores, etc.)

Thanks for sharing!

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has
    8 days ago

    0 Print

    0 eBooks

    1 Wikipedia.zim to rule them all

    Honestly my attention span is too fucked to read books but history is interesting to read tho, I’d just have to hope the wikipedia editors didn’t put anything false in there (I mean, if there are ridiculous events, I’ll double check it)