"Those who mimic the Nazi salute, even as a joke or an attempt to troll their opponents, trivialize the horror of the Holocaust," said the Anglican Catholic Church.
Like all Church schisms it’s “we’re the only ones who are right about how our god is supposed to be worshiped”, so they don’t feel bad about taking the names of Anglicans or Catholics because they think that those other groups are doing religion wrong, so who cares if it’s confusing.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons, and Catholic means for everyone, so all their church name really means is a Anglican tradition, or style church for everyone. Thera millions of sects out there that use very similar titles and terminology, it’s not always misleading even if it’s confusing or obscure language.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons
The proto-Anglicans stopped being Catholics when King Henry the 8th couldn’t get the pope to annul his marriage, so he split the English church from the Catholic church. So, for 500 years, the Anglicans haven’t been Catholics. And it has nothing to do with “Anglo-Saxons”. Anglo-Saxons are a cultural group from the middle ages. The Church of England and Anglicanism comes from centuries later and applies to the country of England under the king Henry the 8th. The Church of England and/or Anglicanism doesn’t date from the middle ages, it was effectively a political construction due to the king wanting a divorce and not to have to answer to the pope. But, the reasons behind the split don’t really matter as much as the fact that the people following churches related to that split haven’t recognized the authority of the pope for centuries, so they’re not Catholics.
In this case, the name is really misleading because the Anglicans don’t consider them to be Anglican, the Catholics definitely don’t consider them to be Catholics, and you can’t really merge the Anglican and Catholic faiths because they’re so different.
The “Anglican Catholic Church” is actually not affiliated with either the holy see (the “actual” Roman Catholic Church) or the Anglican Church (as headed by the Archbishop Canterbury and the King of England).
He joined it because he didn’t make the cut to become an actual Anglican Priest because of
concerns about Robinson’s “libertarian anti-woke, anti-identity politics, Covid-sceptical” political views and his use of social media, particularly Twitter, to disseminate them."
Can’t speak for the actual Anglican church because I’ve never been to the UK. But the episcopalian church, which is the american spinoff of the Anglican church, is the most accepting church I’m aware of. They regularly put up signs with a rainbow flag that say “All Are Welcome”
It’s hilarious to me to see something actually get a priest kicked out of the Catholic church.
He’s not Catholic.
Wouldn’t “Anglican Catholic Church” mean he’s Catholic? (Genuine question!)
Angelican usually refers to the Church of England, a Protestant denomination.
Gotcha! I had no clue Anglican was a protestant denomination. TIL!
“Catholic” usually refers to the Catholicism, a catholic denomination.
Weirdly, it means “universal”. It’s just used as a short for “Roman-Catholic”. The orthodox church is officially the “Orthodox Catholic Church”.
Not according to the Catholic church. They’re not Anglicans according to the Anglican church either.
Huh, very interesting!
See also: Christian Scientists
So… “let’s be neither of those things by using both of their names at the same time”?
Like all Church schisms it’s “we’re the only ones who are right about how our god is supposed to be worshiped”, so they don’t feel bad about taking the names of Anglicans or Catholics because they think that those other groups are doing religion wrong, so who cares if it’s confusing.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons, and Catholic means for everyone, so all their church name really means is a Anglican tradition, or style church for everyone. Thera millions of sects out there that use very similar titles and terminology, it’s not always misleading even if it’s confusing or obscure language.
The proto-Anglicans stopped being Catholics when King Henry the 8th couldn’t get the pope to annul his marriage, so he split the English church from the Catholic church. So, for 500 years, the Anglicans haven’t been Catholics. And it has nothing to do with “Anglo-Saxons”. Anglo-Saxons are a cultural group from the middle ages. The Church of England and Anglicanism comes from centuries later and applies to the country of England under the king Henry the 8th. The Church of England and/or Anglicanism doesn’t date from the middle ages, it was effectively a political construction due to the king wanting a divorce and not to have to answer to the pope. But, the reasons behind the split don’t really matter as much as the fact that the people following churches related to that split haven’t recognized the authority of the pope for centuries, so they’re not Catholics.
In this case, the name is really misleading because the Anglicans don’t consider them to be Anglican, the Catholics definitely don’t consider them to be Catholics, and you can’t really merge the Anglican and Catholic faiths because they’re so different.
The “Anglican Catholic Church” is actually not affiliated with either the holy see (the “actual” Roman Catholic Church) or the Anglican Church (as headed by the Archbishop Canterbury and the King of England).
He joined it because he didn’t make the cut to become an actual Anglican Priest because of
Can’t speak for the actual Anglican church because I’ve never been to the UK. But the episcopalian church, which is the american spinoff of the Anglican church, is the most accepting church I’m aware of. They regularly put up signs with a rainbow flag that say “All Are Welcome”