But also, the man that was with me was an African American male. He was wearing a Trump hat.
That person should be kicked out of the bar just for being terminally stupid.
Your political beliefs are not a protected group. Y’all can go fuck yourselves.
Trump has cancelled discrimination laws, get the fuck out of bars and everywhere else
Getting a lot of miles out of this screenshot.
These are the say people that support doctors and pharmacists for not treating people they don’t like. They are the ones that support cake shops from making gay cakes.
They are all very familiar with wanting the ability to deaconate. But they don’t expect that they will be on the other side of it.
Man, that’s insane, that they speak of discrimination. They’re so deep in this victim role that they still don’t know how to stand for their political views and eat the fucking consequences.
My brain dead ass read “bar”, as-in, like… bar association.
The Gay Lawyers Bar Association, their suits would be the greatest ones in every court room as they defend their clients from bigotry and stupid laws.
I would patronize this establishment if I could.
Oh noooooo. Anyway…
A tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance.
Is Chatterbox a gay bar? I’ve been going there for a couple years and thought it was just a jazz bar with a pride flag in the window.
Regardless, still glad they threw out the fascist.
There’s a lot of music clubs and restaurants that are “gay bars” that lots of people don’t have any idea about unless you start reading schedules and the shit on the walls.
Although it must be a pretty good bar if everyone is having too much fun to read the schedules and shit on the walls.
There’s lots of bands and shows just constantly which could be a hint but then you get into the food and I think but that time the bigots are just full blinder mode to justify it to themselves.
Did she really pull the “my token black friend” card?
If Idiocracy was prophecy, why not Get Out…?
Idiocracy runs on the assumption smart people would plan and prepare to save the stupid people down the line. Not rule them in cyberfeudalism. I wouldn’t call it prophetic personally.
Get Out is a spotlight on existing problems. That have existed for a long time, and will likely continue to exist.
I like how laughter erupts when they said “this is discrimination”
The disconnect is amazing.
Chatterbox sounds like a nice place. If I’m ever in Indy, I’ll def. stop by for a beer, and conversation.