If you are unable to afford the fee for a state id then you would be considered indigent and would be able to get some kind of waver for the fee.
So something is only a fee if you can’t afford it?
Reverse. It’s only a fee if you can afford it. If you can’t afford it, it’s free.
It’s not a regular ID to vote. It’s a regular ID.
You need an ID to vote, but you can use it for many other things too.
If getting an ID is a barrier for you to vote, then talk to your representatives and they might be able to help you out.
It’s called a poll tax, and yes it’s supposed to be illegal. What godforsaken state (they all are in their own special way.) is pulling that?
This government has shown already they don’t care what the constitution says
It should be illegal but Roberts doesn’t give a shit.
Loopholes baby!