Do you know how many problems that would solve middle and long-term? Yes, there would be short-term disruptions… a lot of short-term disruptions.
A huge chunk of the problem billionaires would be gone- literally all of the billionaires who own the major media outlets in the US would be gone. The Republican party would cease to exist instantly. There would be a precipitous drop in the number of the belligerently stupid and easily manipulated.
I gave this some thought.
Yes, I would do that.
Do you know how many problems that would solve middle and long-term? Yes, there would be short-term disruptions… a lot of short-term disruptions.
A huge chunk of the problem billionaires would be gone- literally all of the billionaires who own the major media outlets in the US would be gone. The Republican party would cease to exist instantly. There would be a precipitous drop in the number of the belligerently stupid and easily manipulated.