Guess I’ve been living under a rock or something because I had to look up what 1488 meant.
I still don’t fully understand though… Is this something that a lot of people recognise as a nazi / white supremacist symbol, or is it more of a niche reference?I usually rain hellfire on Nazis, when they actually Behave like Nazis & not just because of a number
And until they behave like nazis, you’d defer to the friendly warning, correct?
No he’s just from Iran who likes the third unification of Iran he’s just off by twenty years.
Maybe he could switch to ASoldierNamedRyan
Don’t give them ideas.
Shoutout to DarkViperAU (formerly DarkViper88, because of birth year)
Gee, I wonder if Aryansoldier1488 knows if 1488 is a dog whistle for Nazis? I’d hate for Aryansoldier to get caught up in this. It was probably a random number.
You mean, A Ryan Soldier?
Poor guy was probably just born on 1/4/1988 and his real name is just Ayra N Soldier. People these days just call everybody a Nazi smh /s
As a radical centrist, I must find any possible reason that someone would stick an obvious dogwhistle in their name besides being a Nazi. We can’t just go assuming the blatantly obvious.
His name is really just Ryan Adams Soldier
I do feel bad for people born in the year 1488 though, their usernames look really suspicious.
These people probably feel so ashamed they can’t even look at themselves in the mirror.
Yeah, I feel bad for the Jewish rabbi, Joseph ben Ephraim Karo
JosephKaro1488 was his gamertag
(He was actually born in 1488 lol)
Ma boi Yosef, I don’t see him play anymore
“Just warning you that GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SERVER” ban
The whole number or just the 88? I learned about 88 in high school because I questioned why all the racist kids wore it.
Edit: I just noticed the rest of his name. Hooboy. lol
88 is a lucky number in Vietnam. You’ll see Vietnamese restaurants use 88 in their name sometimes.
Different cultures, different meanings. Not that Nazis are a culture. They are distinctly uncultured.
The swastika was also appropriated by the Nazis. In Indian cultures, it is a symbol of blessings and prosperity. You still won’t catch me sporting that shit anywhere.
The 14 refers to “The Fourteen Words”
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
It’s funny because it’s hardly an inspiring or memorable 14 word sentence. It’s just awkward and clunky.
Like, why “secure”? Why not “safeguard” or “defend”? IMO those are stronger, more emotionally resonant words.
And why “existence”? Why not something stronger like “survival” or something more than survival like “prosperity”?
And just “a future” for white children? Not “a glorious future” or “a triumphant future”?
And, why “white children”? Not the white race?
Also, how is “a future for white children” distinct from “the existence of our people”? Are white children distinct from “our people”?
I could get it if it were framed as: we must defend our survival now so that our children can prosper. In that case you’re saying that the present might be tough but the future will be bright. But they’re not painting the future as bright, just “a future”, which is really the same as an “existence” so it’s basically saying “Our people must survive and so must our children, who are also our people, but smaller.”
Like, they memorized the first draft of some dumb saying and revere it as “the 14 words”, but it’s just badly written, nevermind all the racism.
“Secure” doesn’t just mean “defend” or “safeguard”. “Secure” also means “capture”, so it implies you need to go out and get it, like with invasions or something maybe, idk. It’s a lot less passive.
“Existence” means both “survival” and “prosperity”. It implies that both their existence is under threat, while creating the idea that they might be able to make it better. Maybe they could, idk, make america great again, trying to return to some mythical prelapsarian era by beating back the eternal threat.
“A future” does this too, implying they may not have a future at all.
And talking about the “children” brings up the concept of making new people, evoking the idea that non-white races are out-breeding them. It also includes the common “think of the children” idea.
And finally the fact that it’s short and boring comes from the fact that nazis are uninspiring and uninspired, and they need a simple, to the point slogan to repeat without thinking about it too hard. They certainly know how to make a message concise, even at the cost of saying almost nothing of meaning when you think too hard about it.
All of this is classic fascism.
It’s the same tactic as the “It’s OK to be white” or “White lives matter” slogans, but more clever because it leaves enough ambiguity such that just about anything can be justified under it. It mentions children to come across as more innocent and to implicitly accuse the opposition of endangering children (also playing into LGBT scaremongering, with the Nazis using the same tropes they use today). “Think of the children!” is a common and effective propaganda line.
Saying “future” instead of “glorious future” suggests that the children wouldn’t have a future at all otherwise. That the white race is under attack and is otherwise on track to be eliminated by Jews and communists and so forth. It’s harder to justify atrocities in the name of “a glorious future” vs “a regular future” as opposed to “a regular future” vs “we are completely exterminated ourselves.”
It is, of course, bullshit, because it’s literally Nazi propaganda trying to frame them as on the “defensive,” but it is carefully and intelligently crafted propaganda. It’s important to understand the enemy and their approaches in order to better counter their movements and defeat them, they should not be underestimated.
I get what you’re saying, but it’s still just really clunky writing.
Like, you want to include children for the “think of the children!” aspect, then just add “and our children” to the existing clause. There’s no need for a whole secondary clause about the future of the children when that’s already covered by the clause about the existence of our people.
It’s not that I expect Nazi writing to be good. It’s just that someone has to have said it better than this, even just accidentally, and yet this version is the one that Nazis have decided to immortalize.
If this version was the winner, what were the early drafts like?
Maybe they emphasise “children” to encourage more of the current adult generation to sacrifice themselves. And to manage expectations of when the benefits arise.
I looked into it more and the specific phrase was developed by a Neo-Nazi domestic terrorist. It bears a heavy resemblance to the following quote from Hitler:
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.
Idk what you’ll think of that one, but I actually thought the 14 words were a slogan used in Nazi Germany. The fact that it was just some whackjob makes me see it as less professionally crafted.
Also, if you think the 14 words are cringy and poorly written, wait until you hear the often omitted follow up to them:
because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.
Right wingers be normal about women challenge level: impossible.
“Secure” also has the meaning of taking something with great difficulty, not simply defending. It’s a threat. All the rest is just using catastrophic/severe language to lure in followers to their cause.
This reminds me of an anecdote talking about language differences between the US armed services:
If you told a Marine to secure a building, they would kick the door in and take control of the building.
If you told a soldier in the Army to secure a building, they would set up a fence around it and establish a sentry.
If you told a Navy sailor to secure a building, they’d turn off all the lights and close and lock the door on their way out.
If you told an Airforce airman to secure a building, they would write up a purchasing contract.
It’s like the kind of shit 11 year olds come up with FFS.
Seriously, I didn’t see the name until after I read the comments. I got totally tricked; good job!
That’s good looking out.
I hope he gets messaged every hour about how his name might draw the wrong crowd.
Also that he needs to take pills for a bigger penis.
ETA: And that he might be able to profit from Nigerian princes needing some money laundered through the United States.
Also he should try EA’s FIFA offerings… okay, I’m getting carried away. No one deserves that.
Just the number? The Aryan Soldier part is fine? Dude there’s no redeeming part of that name. It translates as IamANaziIAmANazi.
You forgot one IamANazi. Sadly, I’ve seen worse names in PC gamimg lobies.
It has Aryan Soldier in the name and they are worried about 1488 lol, this is a good one.
What’s the 14 supposed to mean in this context?
Something about 14 words from one of Hitler’s speeches or books or something. I can’t be bothered to google it. And the 88 are supposed to represent “HH”. Sucks for me because I was born in 1988 so I used that number a lot before I learned about this.
Hello fellow 88 baby. When I was a teenager a lot of bands had 88 in the name for that reason. It’s a cool number, I hate that the nazis coopted it. Fuck nazis.
It sucks way worse for all those people born in 1488.
Because they’re dead.
Idk sometimes i feel being dead might suck less
Thank you for explaining the punch line
You must be fun at parties
There’s no one more fun at parties than the dude who points out everything wrong that everyone said. I bet YOU’RE fun at parties.
I bet YOU are fun at parties*
Putting you’re in caps puts empty emphasis on the ‘are’ part of that word
Please grow up man. Seriously. You sound like a clown. No one is going to take you seriously if you talk like this.
Oh fuck off. Learn to take a joke or stay off social media
Last of all I need you to take me seriously ❄️
There’s that clown talk again. You sound like such a loser dude. What is the joke here that I’m supposed to be taking? Is it just you being an asshole?
You got any other cringe buzzwords/emojis you’d like to add while you have my attention?
They might be fun at parties, you don’t know them.
Matter of fact I am. Also, I don’t know him.
I heard they give out free handjobs so they’re very very popular at parties.
That happened only once.
Everyone loved it tho
The surprising thing is that they’re not fun at parties because they attempt an epic keg stand and you end up calling an ambulance and everyone goes home early
What do we call a Discord that allows nazis in it? A Nazi Discord.
Considering the avatar, there’s like a non-zero chance it’s one nazi telling another.
Well, now that Discord is going public, we can probably just call it Discord.